Well-Known Member
In just about two months, Valleycon 24 will take place at the Knights of Columbus on Granby Road in Chicopee MA. Today, we sold out our vendor room with 48 individual vendors who will display on 68 tables. There are Among the vendors are Rare Planes Detective, Sentinel Miniatures, Birch Tree Enterprises, Red Frog Hobbies, Craftec (Windsor CT), Time Machine (Mancheter CT) Amatos (New Britain CT) farina Enterprises, Tom's Trains of CT, and the Hobby Bunker (Malden MA) as well as numerous private dealers and the club table. Our raffle will have a brand new Iwata Neo airbrush.
The contest will feature a War Game Figure/display categor for the first time as well as a Lego class for youngsters.
The contest will feature a War Game Figure/display categor for the first time as well as a Lego class for youngsters.