vBench Bandwidth


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Dan Morton

A Fixture
Jul 3, 2004
Great Plains of the Midwest, Omaha, Nebraska, USA,
Hey - what's going on? I loaded one set of pics in my vBench at what the kitpic indicator said was below 300mb and AFTER I had loaded them and they had been up for a short while, they were removed and the bandwidth limit warning inserted. I opened a second account, different address, etc., loaded the same set of pics and I'm suddenly over my bandwidth limit yet again, and again, without warning. Shouldn't I get a warning BEFORE I post over my limit?

Slightly exasperated in Omaha,
The seven "Final" images are on average 150 KB that's 1MB of bandwith when viewing all at once in the post.

300MB of bandwidth/300 views * 1 MB = Over bandwidth message :(

Solution: web-optimize the images for smaller file sizes

There is over 500 users on kitpic and each consuming copious amount of bandwidth (traffic; every image, text file sent acorss the web from one server to another costs bandwidth) and disk space (storage: the physical drive images, text files are stored on)

The resources are limited, I wish I had $1000 or so a month to provide 'unlimited' bandwitdh and storage ;)

I begin to understand, Gordy. Everything comes down to $ in the end, don't it? OK, OK. I'll sign up and pay a fee for the services.

Here's the dichotomy and I'm sure you already know it. The sculptors and painters want to show their work to best advantage. Best advantage does not always equate to small size pictures that conserve bandwidth, no matter how nice and clear and colorful. In fact it almost never does. So we use up bandwidth. So we sign up for Kitpic Lite. Whaddadeal.

Could you modify the bandwidth scale on Kitpic to show how much bandwidth will be used by each photo BEFORE posting them, so we can all stay away from the bandwidth gremlin?

All the best,

I wish I could 'foresee' how much bandwidth will be consumed and devise a means to do so, however I doubt I'd be here, I'd be on a beach in the Bahamas cashing in on baseball bets ;)
I cannot predict the popularity.

It's a two way street, optimize the images for a lower bandwidth cost.

Best advantage does not always equate to small size pictures that conserve bandwidth, no matter how nice and clear and colorful. In fact it almost never does. So we use up bandwidth.
People have an extreme mis-conception that if the file size is bigger it must be of higher quality. Clevery photography; a wide angle encompasing shot and then detailed closeups of select areas are generally advise, IF not anything else spareing us the viewer of having to scroll left and right...

Yes it does come down to money, alot of things on the web seem 'free' but somewhere down the line there are bills to pay, server rental, bandwidth overage penalties, development (programming), coordination with vendors, project management and research.

Some things are "free speech" free and some things are "free beer" free...
Gordy, How long does a picture stay on the site? I know it's nice to have them for reference, but I think 6-8 months is a decent length of time to keep pics on any of the threads. If you can randomly go in and delete pics take what you want out of my older Vbench postings. There have been a lot of nice pics posted by folks in both the sculpting and painting threads, so anything to free up some space for someone else.~Gary