Review Veteran Drummer bust from Legion Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone

Time to begin looking at some slightly older releases from Legion , in a slightly different way as I lost all my photographs after IT issues so Legion has provided pics , I had however made notes prior to the resin finding new homes so will use them for my write up

The release is of course this



Naturally there are plenty of books available on the Imperial Guard and the uniforms etc including those of the drummers here we have just a few to look at

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Based on this picture at a Napoleonic event recreating the uniform and look of the drummers , without doubt he certainly looks older than most would expect a drummer but service in the guard was earned through hard service in campaigns , some earned the award of the legion d'honneur for bravery on the battlefield.......some were where possible pinned on by Napoleon himself


Looking at the reference its clear to see why the subject was chosen....a face so full of character and one that tells many stories of life

Details of thew release are on the boxartwork in the first picture so all I will add is that the casting is very sharply done in a light gray resin and you will find 8 pieces in the usual and safe laser cut wooden box

Parts consist of Torso, head,left hand, plume, pipe,, top and bottom of drumsticks,no base is included



As expected this is minimal and consists of removing excess resin post from under torso,hand and neck and removing smaller parts from the casting block as you see in the picture, then its a simple matter of fitting into position

I suggest you fit the drumsticks and pipe last to make painting easier

Lets have my notes on the resin itself

Torso: sculpted with the arms folded closely to the body , the left hand will hold the pipe when fitted and this sits just below the chin

The hand is well styled with the fingers having good sharp details , fit is easy to the left cuff

What's really good to see is the care taken on the lacework, good individual chevrons , nicely defined and sharply cast

Our Veteran has obviously seen much service as seen by the 3 service chevrons on the upper left arm again the sculpting highlighted by the casting ....this continues on the rank badges above the cuffs

Bravery shines through by the wearing of the Legion d'honneur ....another area where casting brings out the sculpting

The clothing has good folds and creases on the arms

Head: this comes with the headwear , the texture of the later is very good and clearly carefully thought out , all cords and flounders are excellent with the rear patch having the correct insignia of a grenade...whats particularly worth noting is the work on the plate at the front ..the eagle and small corner grenades being excellent ......all making painting enjoyable

Facial features are rugged to say the least , a very worn face with creases and as in the reference used .....this is a painters piece ...perhaps for some too lined and old in features but full of character....a VETERAN

Plume: These are something that always look good on the releases and this is no exception , nicely textured and a easy fit ...I suggest pinning it for the extra safety

Drumsticks : good shaping and with both top and bottom parts to fit carefully .

Pipe: A simple piece fitting well into position place it catches that moment in time of relaxation ...perhaps our drummer has just come off a full dress parade in front the Emperor himself

Final Thoughts

This is without doubt a painters piece , full of sharply cast details and with minimum prep you will have a eye catching display piece

Lets enjoy a couple of views of the painted versiom


I hope you have enjoyed looking at this release with me :)


Legion are members here ( user ID Andrey )

13002.jpg you can order direct from him here on PF or via the website which is:

They also have a FB page:

Thanks to Legion for the review item and to you all for looking in

Hapy benchtime

Nap, thank you for this review!
I watched the process of painting this bust myself — and can assure you the quality of the cast is great, so is the sculptor's and the painter's work! :)
Looking at this again, I think he’s missing something: ear-rings.


Easy enough to add if modellers wish ......the reference never had any so he's kept faithfully to that

Nap, thank you for this review!

I watched the process of painting this bust myself — and can assure you the quality of the cast is great, so is the sculptor's and the painter's work! :)

Your very lucky indeed to have Sen that ...must have been great to watch


I am looking at the old Airfix Grenadier, full figure, very old kitt now but pretty good in its day. I wonder who produced the master? Original packaging.