This is very interesting, I had been very sceptical before but recently I have seen some very very nice pieces produced combining 3d sculpting and manual, Pathos to name one, superb. I have saved all links and spoken to people as I myself would like to at least try and obtain a working knowledge of the medium ( I have a few friends that already work digital and my father in law was designing on a computer when I first sniffed the beer
Today in the UK the headlines are of a gun produced by a 3d printer, not new I know as this has happened before in the world, but today's was quite big for the UK.
I hope, and really hope, that this new medium doesn't become so precise that it is restricted, but somehow, looking at today, I think the dream of printing accurate pieces within the household has gone back for many years.
Technology at the level we as modellers ask is just not going to be made available to us, why, because it opens doors for abuse as proved. Yes, it will be possible to do, but within the household, I think very very unlikely due to Big Brother. The prices will be so huge, are they really going to allow a normal person to design or be sent something so accurate that it is functional, and the level of detail we are asking for is finer that a bolt in a breech block.
The people that invest in the machines to sculpt and cut a master will be the same as those that pay for a sculpted master, if not bigger companies.
If possible to outsource , costs of initial sculpt and timescale will be the same, production of multiples will be the same process, ie master to mould to cast, not viable to print casts direct from machine for above reasons (time). Anyone that has outsourced casting knows the prices.
Somehow though, I can see the hand pieces becoming more expensive, as happened when photographs replaced the portrait.
Try asking a price for a painted portrait now compared to a digital photograph
Purely my views and in response to it affecting us all.
Divinci and others probably thought the theory of splitting the atom was amazing, in theory ;-)
Best wishes