Hi to all followers of the Resin,
A long time ago in a land many leagues away there was a race of Dwarfs called Lostbloods a result of the Dragons lord's failed experiment , they spent their time wandering the lands far away from their own , willingly accepting their lot as lost mercenaries , proving their fighting capabilities time and time again .
Very muscular and needing only 3 things: Dwarf Beer, an axe and their body , combining all 3 to slay dragons ....still looked upon with contempt by fellow dwarfs despite this.
One such fellow was Volkan who was renowned for his prowess in hunting the longtime enemies of dragons and giants ...a dwarf high among dwarfs and worthy of the title "Most Bravest Dwarf"
This then is the chosen subject for the recent release from Galapagos Miniature :

Continued in next post:
A long time ago in a land many leagues away there was a race of Dwarfs called Lostbloods a result of the Dragons lord's failed experiment , they spent their time wandering the lands far away from their own , willingly accepting their lot as lost mercenaries , proving their fighting capabilities time and time again .
Very muscular and needing only 3 things: Dwarf Beer, an axe and their body , combining all 3 to slay dragons ....still looked upon with contempt by fellow dwarfs despite this.
One such fellow was Volkan who was renowned for his prowess in hunting the longtime enemies of dragons and giants ...a dwarf high among dwarfs and worthy of the title "Most Bravest Dwarf"
This then is the chosen subject for the recent release from Galapagos Miniature :

Continued in next post: