Review "Volkan Lostblood" from Galapagos Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to all followers of the Resin,
A long time ago in a land many leagues away there was a race of Dwarfs called Lostbloods a result of the Dragons lord's failed experiment , they spent their time wandering the lands far away from their own , willingly accepting their lot as lost mercenaries , proving their fighting capabilities time and time again .

Very muscular and needing only 3 things: Dwarf Beer, an axe and their body , combining all 3 to slay dragons ....still looked upon with contempt by fellow dwarfs despite this.

One such fellow was Volkan who was renowned for his prowess in hunting the longtime enemies of dragons and giants ...a dwarf high among dwarfs and worthy of the title "Most Bravest Dwarf"

This then is the chosen subject for the recent release from Galapagos Miniature :

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Lets have some details on the release:

Title: Volkan Lostblood (Dragon Ripper)

Referenece: GP-B04

Scale: 1/10th

No of pieces: 7 resin plus 2 card inserts

Box Art : Ju-Won Jung

Conception/Story: Gyoeng Yoel Gim

Special Thanks to: Wandering Bard

As usual (in keeping with the previous releases) Galapagos have gone to town on the presentation , the distinctive reddy brown box is a strong jail for the parts inside , on the box we have a lovely version of the bust painted by Ju-Won excellent colour reproduction.

The parts were surrounded by foam and placed carefully in cutouts with any others sandwiched between more foam ...can't get much better than this .1 006.jpg

Parts consist of the main torso with head , the right arm , the right hand(with axe handle) the top knot "pony tail" , the axe blads and a conical base.
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Also included is 2 cards one with the story 1 002.jpg1 004.jpg and the other in full and glorious colour 2 different painted versions , one on each side , one by Ju-Won 1 003.jpg and the other by KI-yeol Yoon 1 005.jpg both showing just what can be achieved with this bust.

Prep consists of the remval of small casting plugs from the underside of the torso , the edge of the arm and wrist and also the ponty tail , there is flashing to take out surrounding the axe blades.

Looking first at the main chunk of resin and it is a large piece of resin, there really is only one word to describe the sculpting AMAZING...the whole piece is dripping in details ...where to start I ask myself ....

The head so full of character and with steely eyes peeking out from below bushy eyebrows1 013.jpg1 014.jpg , hair swept back into a pony tail (more later) , the texture of the hair is stunning to say the least , his facial features are really nicely done the fine ears , the nose is rugged , he sports a beard with the flowing lengths being tied up with bands and the various strands are held safe with various amulets , including skulls , potions in small containers.
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Volkan is well armoured with scale armour being seen on the arms and chest and back , the scales are perfectly in scale with good undercuts on each one all contributing to some fine protection against the rampages of giants and dragons.

The arms are protected by magnificent armour pieces , the one on the left being almost gladiatorial in style , the one on the righ being partially hidden under a mass of long stringy hair , both of the shoulder armour are wonderfully decorated in celtic like designs , well cast ..all credit to the team for this.
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On the back we see the amour scales again , hair cascading down with a small cloak, held up by a brooch, different textures are evident , the armour and the cloak , and the hair ..all needing to be treated in their particular ways to bring out the details .

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On now to the final pieces :

Volkan is a rather muscular fellow (all that axe swinging!!!) , the right arm consists of 2 pieces the actual arm and then the hand.

The arm is so full of skin texture with great muscular definition (very fantasy in style) fit into the shoulder recess is spot on , this being a perfect mirror image of the arm area the wrist we have a square block that matches up with the cutout on the hand.
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Finger sculpting is nothing short of brilliant , the large fingers are well done with the finger nails looking the part..he does not bite his nails !!!the viens on the hand show the pressure he is grpping the axe his wrist we have band ..perhaps leather well rivetted .
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In his hand he grips securely the axe handle with the grip is leather looking wrapped round the shaft at the base we have a rams head , the top has the securing band well rivetted again , all area's are well sculpted this will look stunning when painted .

The actual axe blade comes in 2 separate pieces 1 030.jpg ..both wicked and very dangerous looking the larger blade having chunks out of the edge (perhaps when smashing a giant's head), the body of the blade is well decorated perhaps with magical powers , lovely work .1 033.jpg

The smaller piece is the same great details on both can be seen1 035.jpg

Fitting might be a bit fiddly I would say pin it all the way , the end result will be so impressive ...and would you argue with this guy ...never in a million years !!!

The pony tail is a nice touch and after the casting plug has been removed fit is tight to the cutout in the head at the back
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Finally the base , a really nice shape and very nicely balanced to the bust ..there is a locating roundel on the torso underside , you could leave the lip on if you wish as well .
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Final thoughts:

Another winner from Galapagos , ensuring that they are in the front runners for customer satisfaction .
Presentation is 1st class with great sculpting and casting being of the same high standard.

I really like the way we have a story , adds that little something special to the piece bringing the subject to life even before any paint reaches him .

Galapagos have established themselves as a team that will accept nothing but TOP QUALITY in every release and it shines through in every one.

If Fantasy is your thing buy it ...enjoy it , love it ...if its not buy one anyway and challenge yourself .


For more details go to their website

or google them for worldwide distributors.

Thanks to Galapagos for the Review Model

and to you dear friends for reading the review

Great review Nap and thank you for your time as always! I myself bought this bust a few weeks ago immediately after it release. As what you said, it is of top notch qualify, provides room for being painted as various versions and this is really a must-have for those loving fantasy figures. :)
Great review Kevin. You told me that this was a really nice bust and it certainly is. Beautifully sculpted and the box art is stunning. Like the dwarves that only need three things - so do I, beer, more beer, and this bust. Right up my alley this one. Cracking!!