Very good job indeed. The W.SS patterns are extremely convincing, both of them:"peas pattern 43/44 " and the one used on the helmet and Tarnjacke.Now shall I be a tiny bit critical: I would alter the brightess of the fieldgrey, either on the abandonned helmet on the ground, which at this time of the war, would have been darker , and on the scarf and jacket worn under the camouflaged smock. This, on the ground that the scene is supposed to be in winter,and consequently the light would not make the fieldgrey so bright. Also, the fieldgrey was found in various shades, and the one used in the W.SS had more grey/brown in the green than the one favoured by the Heer, in 1940 for instance. Anyway, I think the Ardennes weather would have toned down any colour.
And an other detail: what did you paint on the fieldgrey collar? It looks like a Litzen.
A Waffen SS jacket would have shown on the left hand side: either an empty black rectangle, or a rectangle with a combination of grey barrs and stars. The only SS unit who had the Litzen , like the Heer, was the SS Polizei division.
Henri Cambridge UK