Hello Mates!
this is my last work!
An "old" bust by pegaso with a great face and a remarkable sculpture!
i hope you like it!
but I also expect criticism and suggestions!
i have not transcribed all the colours that i've used, but certainly i used:
fot the base: 876 vallejo (adding some reddish colours, like maybe 804 and a bit of 963 azul medio)
shadow with: base + 814 + 859
and additional steps always adding 814 and 859
last shadow with a bit of 950 and (maybe) 965
lights: base + 815 (one or two times)
additional steps adding 928 (many times.. : ) )
last light pure 928 very very dilute...
then when the work seems to be over : ) many many washes of several colors...dark colours as 950 or 822 for shaded areas and other tones for the areas in light...remember the colour must be very very diluited!
it's better to repeat a passage many times than risk damaging the previous work! ; )
for the beard shaved i mix 950 and white adding some blues tones and i add many washes in the area affected...
Thanks Ron, Series 7 (Windsor & Newton? : ) ) and Sarouman!I'm glad you like it!
Ron why do not you come back to Rimini or Cattolica? We can go eat a "piadina" together!
Sounds great ,love food ,love italian food especially in Emlia Romangia ,going to Sardengia this year on holiday,can't wait to get away from the Scottish climate
so maybe next year will visit Catollica and we can have some good food.
Unfortunately I've never been to Sardinia ... but I know its culinary specialties .. and I highly recommend it, drink Cannonau!
And if next year you'll be in my part I would be happy to meet you!
god bless the google translator because my English is not so perfect!
Now that's some really impressive white work going on there. That was not easy to fade from white to nearly black. Most folks say light colored uniforms are not easy because of the shades, but you sure made it look easy and with serious depth. Awesome is a word I'd say to discribe this one.