Review " War Daddy " from Life Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to all ,

Life Miniatures have been fairly quiet recently but have been beavering away getting the new release ready and that's what I am looking at here .

The release was advised briefly by fellow PF member Martin Rohmann here

In addition it was also put on FB and the Life Miniatures page by the owner Sang-Eon Lee

Life Miniatures are of course well respected for their series of busts many which have been reviewed here on PF and also the previous release of a new beginners series of busts which I reviewed here as well

With this release Sang-Eon Lee has moved into full figures and a larger scale as well

The subject :


Now you might slightly recognise the subject , based on a character in the film " Fury" and starring Brad Pitt as the tank commander in a sherman during WW2 , those that have seen it will know its an action packed story .

Initial Thoughts

My first were the subject has been released before in bust form and that was popular but now the full figure modellers have been catered for .

A straight up and down sculpt not in an action pose which is nice to see , allowing the painter to really bring the best out .

It would have been nice to have had a 2nd option head with the tanker helmet

This is a good piece to pose with a section of tank behind him or as a single figure

Both Sculpting and Casting quality are right up there with the best .

Details of the release:

Title: War Daddy ( WW2 US Tank Commander )

Reference: LM-16001

Scale: 1/16th

Material: Gray Resin

No of parts: 8

Sculptor: Sang-Eon Lee

Box Art: N/A

Presentation is in a high quality cardboard box with the contents inbetween good foam surrounds with the smaller pieces in a bag the others nestling nicely in the formed foam.

On the box top and the surrounds we have unpainted pictures of the piece ( box art is not available at this time)

War Daddy LM 001.jpgWar Daddy LM 002.jpg

The box was also shrink wrapped in a tight film.

Parts consist of the main full torso , head , 2 arms , 2 boots , pistol ( top part ) and holster.

War Daddy LM 003.jpg


On all pieces removal of casting plugs in easy to get at and well thought out positions.

On the review piece the inner gloved hands had a small hole ,easily filled if you wish but they do not show when in position.

Very little work needed as you can see it is worth mentioning again that this was sculpted with skill and flair by Sang-Eon Lee , he has paid particular attention to details which we will see more of later on .
For now lets have some reference pictures of that fellow Brad Pitt


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Continued in next post

So let batten the hatches down and rumble forward ....

But firstly a couple more reference pictures


and of course some reading material

0.jpg 000000.jpg00.jpg000.jpg00000.jpg 0000.jpg

...and there is the film to watch as well !!!


Open that box I hear you say ....

The Main figure

Firstly looking all over with my optivisor on revealed a high quality resin with no flaws or air bubbles whatsoever .
The pose is looking forward with the body and legs straight .

The work on the folds and creases is excellent and the whole piece is extremely high status .

Particular note are the undercuts on the jacket , the pocket definition is top notch

This consist of the legs to the knees and the upper torso less arms , its is nice to see such accurate locating points both male and female at the lower legs and the arms and only a smidgeon of filler will be needed ..if that .

Our Brad wears the Tanker Jacket and under that a shirt and also long full trousers .

The neck area is carefully sculpted ready to take the head itself , the shirt collar details are sharp and again good undercuts , the main jacket being open at the neck with the details of the zip being clearly worked , this together with the correct seams showing well . , moving slightly down we have the small tab with a ring on it for ease of use with gloves , the good definition of the seams continues down to the lower edge which splays slightly open rather in keeping .

The pockets are the correct shape with the tops being slightly open with use , again seams are very good indeed

The trousers themselves have the same high quality work on the creases with the back pocket opening s nicely done ...and it looks like his rear is underneath !!!

War Daddy LM 004.jpg

War Daddy LM 005.jpgWar Daddy LM 006.jpgWar Daddy LM 007.jpgWar Daddy LM 008.jpgWar Daddy LM 009.jpgWar Daddy LM 010.jpgWar Daddy LM 011.jpg

Across his chest we have the shoulder holster straps , these are real gems particularly look at the tooling of the design on them , exactly as seen ..a real pleasure to look at , this amount of detail on what could be a quite plain piece really lifts it to another level .

War Daddy LM 012.jpg
War Daddy LM 013.jpg

Continued in next post

Now to the remaining pieces


As with any model the likeness if its a specific person or character is vital and in my opinion the likeness is very close indeed to Brad as played in the film .
War Daddy LM 014.jpg

Features are well worked from the forehead lines to the shape of the nose ( nice work on the nostrils) , the eyes are well shaped and the face has the scars that are seen in the film .

The hair is very distinctive and caused many a "trendy guy" to visit the hair stylists and " have a Brad" ...the texture and styling of the strands is really good the hair being swept towards the back with strands slightly out of place , the sides and back are cut close to the head and well depicted.

War Daddy LM 017.jpgWar Daddy LM 016.jpgWar Daddy LM 015.jpg


These are posed with the hands on the hips as seen in film , again we see good folds and creases , particularly at the elbow bend , the additional patches under the lower arms are well done with the subject wearing gloves , these are a good version of those worn both in film and reality , nice work on the individual finger edging .

War Daddy LM 021.jpgWar Daddy LM 023.jpgWar Daddy LM 024.jpgWar Daddy LM 025.jpg


These are the high cavalry type , again keeping close to both the film and originals , nice work on the lacing and the side strapping , with the make up of the boots sections being well shown , on the top we have a cut out ready to sit nicely onto the legs .

War Daddy LM 018.jpgWar Daddy LM 019.jpg


Very much seen in the film and being worn in real tank actions is the shoulder holster , a easy to access weapon and not cumbersome..

War Daddy LM 026.jpgWar Daddy LM 027.jpg

The holster is the right shape and has the centre cast empty , to about half its depth

War Daddy LM 020.jpgWar Daddy LM 028.jpg

The weapon itself fits very well into the holster , , the rear has the round chamber level to allow this , this also gives you the option of not putting the pistol in as the holster is open.

War Daddy LM 030.jpgWar Daddy LM 029.jpg

Final thoughts

Its good to see Life Miniatures producing full figures and I am sure this will be popular , it has got conversion potential by changing the head of course , the quality in all areas is very high indeed with minimal prep and if you are Brad fan this is for you even if your not its a fine figure and I do hope we see more in the scale very soon ..

No problem recommending this

Finally lets have some pictures from LM website of the unpainted version ...hope we can see the painted version soon as well .


For more information on this and other releases from Life Miniatures visit the website at


and of course you can follow on Social Media

A big thanks to Life Miniatures for the review piece and to you all for looking in

Excellent review Nap!

I was really looking forward to seeing the box art for this one, but nothing has turned up as yet.

I will be grabbing this for sure, dont think I will bother painting the Young bust I have now, once I get this one.

Life Miniatures ..... back with a whimper!

It's a nice enough sculpt, a decent likeness and the casting looks great. For me though the whole "Hollywood" thing is getting very stale now. So many releases where you see comments along the lines of "it looks like so-and-so in such-and-such". I've lost count of all the "Russel Crowe Roman Generals" out there, and there have already been a few "War Daddies" as well in various scales. Guys must buy them though.

- Steve
Hi Guys

Jeff....I believe the art work is being done by Sang - Eon Lee so no doubt it will be good , hope it's soon like you

Steve are correct of course , not a subject I would have chosen for a new scale release but they must sell as you say , the likeness is good and the quality is well up to LM bust standard

Keith ....thanks ...but we shall see about being dragged away ....lots more colour there!

Thanks for posting

really tempted by this one, such a perfect likeness.
I know some are disappointed by the "hollywood" aspect but they do it because it sells. That's the very root of capitalism!