War & Warriors in Scale - The 19th Century, Theme Collection Vol.10


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Stelios Demiras

PlanetFigure Supporter
Jun 5, 2011
Athens, Nea Smirni

We are pleased to inform you that our 10th Theme Collection Series book Is Out!
Wars & Warriors in Scale - The 19th Century
Theme Collection Vol.10


This is the 10th “Theme Collections” title in our new and ongoing series that draws upon previously published articles from our Scale Model Handbook Special Editions Collection books where the content is dedicated to a specific category or period. In this latest edition we’ve gathered 12 themes on 19th Century conflicts, which have a popular following amongst the miniature figure modelling fraternity. The Napoleonic Wars stretched over the first 20 years of the 19th Century so most of the articles in this edition will present the colourful uniforms of that era. Future titles in this new series will offer carefully chosen articles, grouped together into specific themes.

Our books are produced using a high-quality digital printing process giving excellent quality illustrations on 300g matt laminated velvet paper for the covers, with 150g velvet paper inside, all ‘perfect bound’ with a special glue!

As always, thanks must go to all our contributors for their support and for sharing their secrets with us. Special thanks are due to Pietro Balloni, Luca Marchetti, Alex Vallejo, Fernando Vallejo, Alessandro Balbo, Rolando Iezzi, Darren Parker-Mead, Man Jin Kim, Taesung Harmms, Andrew Cairns, Young B. Song, Dae-Hyeong Kim, Ju Won Jung, Paul Ondeck, Yannis Papadopoulos and our English Text Editor Ken Jones.

We hope you’ll enjoy our latest edition!

Stelios Demiras

4 Trooper, 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys)
Balaclava, Crimea 1854
How to Paint a 90mm Mounted Figure Using Acrylics

14 Captain, the Queens Own Cameron
Highlanders at Tel El Kebir 1882
Painting a 54mm “Victoria’s Heroes” figure
for the Box Art with Acrylics and Oils

20 Ensign 28th Foot at Waterloo
Painting a Large-Scale Napoleonic Bust
and the Regimental Colour

28 Corporal Vicente Manzano, Dragoon Regiment “Pavia”
Ontígola 1809
Step by Step Painting of a Scratch-built Colourful Mounted
Figure Using Acrylics and Oils

38 Drummer of Grenadiers, 67th Line Regiment Vienna, 1809
Painting a Colourful 75mm
Napoleonic Period Figure
with Acrylics & Inks

44 The Coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte
Painting a Colourful 54mm Napoleonic
Period Figure

48 Flankenfeuer Le Bourget 1870
Painting a Small Scale Bust with Acrylics

56 Sergeant Bernard Mc Cabe, Sobraon 1st Sikh War 1846
Combining Airbrush and Brush Painting
onto Figures

62 Bonaparte Crossing the Alps
Painting a 90mm Mounted Figure

66 Private, 93rd Highlanders, Crimea 1854
Painting Different Kind of Fabrics
and Materials on a Bust

71 A Colour Guide for “British Red”
Creating British Army Red using Acrylics, Enamels and Oil Paints

72 Officer of the Tsar’s Guard Russia, 1830
Red, Metal and Leather


84 Pages
Matt Laminated Cover
Strong Binding PUR Glue
Suggested Retail price 24.95 Euros
ISSN 2653-8636

The historic events of the 19th Century have fascinated people from childhood to adulthood, as the Napoleonic Wars took place and dominated the early years of the period. The advancing lines of the infantry facing continuous musket and cannon fire was really terrifying and unbelievable, considering the account of human casualties. The colourful uniforms worn during the period are really a challenge for every modeller and military artist and here you will find a lot of different types and colours.

Within this ‘Theme Collection’ book you’ll find 12 articles by eight well-known artists who reveal their secrets for painting, sculpting and scenic creations, seven of which were originally made for Box Art Painting. All mediums are used here... Acrylics, enamels and oils, so whatever paint you prefer, you’ll find interesting ways and varied approaches to using it, and you’ll also learn a lot of new things, tips and techniques along the way.
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I have quite a Library!
I DO like the sound and concept!
Well done.

On of my favorites, "The Universal Soldier". another concept, with Artwork by Gerry Embleton.

So good I used it for my Business name in the 1970s!

It is late but I will dig it out tomorrow? So I have got it out now!

Published by Guinness Superlatives Ltd ... Enfield, Middlesex! My origin!
Edited by Martin Windrow and Frederick Wilkinson.
14 Colour Plates by Gerald Embleton.
The Common Soldier from AD 43 to 1944. 14 nameless men, now immortal in this book through the words of 14 authors and the eyes of Gerald Embleton, brother of Ronald, one of the 14.
It cost me £4.50 when published 1n 1971.

I was then serving in Sharjah, an Army Major attached to RAF for one year unaccompanied tour as a Ground Liaison Officer! With some kits and a paint brush and some spare time I came back in mid 71 and went to the Fleet Air Arm and a Carrier. Do not ask. My wife did!

So I got it asap.

If you have it or have seen it .. you will know what I mean

Q. Is Box Art a Dying Art?