Jamie Stokes
A Fixture
Hi All,
well here is my efforts at a King Hobbys female fusilier figure, Elizabeth era.
Learnings so far.
Cleaning, mould seam removal, finding pinholes, filling pinholes (thanks to the people here) and undercoating.
In hindsight, a grey primer as a straight undercoat "darkens" following flesh tones, which is not the effect I wanted for a female figure. Darn.
Also, the flesh tones, brush applied. need to make sure I work in a consistent pattern, Paint mix needs to be thinner, and work towards smoother coats.
[oriental accent of ancient paitent master]
Slow down, be more paitent.
[okay, enough of the accent now, you can start speaking normally]
so how to correct this? My thoughts are to lay down a layer of white over the primer, to give a "lift" to the following layers. Maybe lay down flesh tones (lighter this time) with my airbrush.
As for the flesh tones, I think they are too pink.
Another experiment in learning an art.
Comments and thoughts welcome.
well here is my efforts at a King Hobbys female fusilier figure, Elizabeth era.
Learnings so far.
Cleaning, mould seam removal, finding pinholes, filling pinholes (thanks to the people here) and undercoating.
In hindsight, a grey primer as a straight undercoat "darkens" following flesh tones, which is not the effect I wanted for a female figure. Darn.
Also, the flesh tones, brush applied. need to make sure I work in a consistent pattern, Paint mix needs to be thinner, and work towards smoother coats.
[oriental accent of ancient paitent master]
Slow down, be more paitent.
[okay, enough of the accent now, you can start speaking normally]
so how to correct this? My thoughts are to lay down a layer of white over the primer, to give a "lift" to the following layers. Maybe lay down flesh tones (lighter this time) with my airbrush.
As for the flesh tones, I think they are too pink.
Another experiment in learning an art.
Comments and thoughts welcome.