What Are Acceptable Reviews Types?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2005
What are acceptable reviews to post on PlanetFigure? Would figure accessories, sci-fi figures, guns, books, videos, and the like related to figures be acceptable?

While there are other forums probably more acceptable for Sci-fi figure reviews ( Creafig & coolminiornot ) the reviews of figures, accessories, books and related figure subjects would be welcome.

I try to do "Open-box" reviews showing the kit and components for the many people ( like myself) who rarely get to a show , but would like to see what a kit consists of and what the quality is like before they buy the kit through the mail.

If 25% of the members would do 1 kit review a year the planet would be a wealth of information for reviews of kits and accessories.

The reviews are not limited to planetfigure staff only and any member can post a review.
I'd like to add that Sci-Fi reviews are welcome, Sci-Fi has been one of the strongest tools to introduce youngsters to the world of miniatures :)
Thanks Marc,
I really appreciate you doing a review. Now if we can get more members to also contribute an occasional review we will have a wealth of resources for members to look at kits before they buy one.
