WIP on 75mm mongol vignette for TFB Miniatures


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Steve headley

A Fixture
Sep 14, 2020
Hi all here is the first shots of the next vignette. It’s a 75mm Mongol Archer he will be retrieving the arrow from a dead foe. It’s based on an old man at arms art work from the book on mongols. It’s been adapted by Igor (Master).
We hope the scene will fit with the Mongol commander that we have coming out shortly.

I will keep you all updated on the progress on this vignette as we get the info.


TFB Miniatures Team

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Hi Sergei

Yes I remember that one it was a straight copy of the illustration and in 120mm. Igor (Master) wanted to do a more flamboyant version which we think he’s doing. Will look very nice when finished.


TFB Miniatures Team
Hi Sergei

Yes I remember that one it was a straight copy of the illustration and in 120mm. Igor (Master) wanted to do a more flamboyant version which we think he’s doing. Will look very nice when finished.


TFB Miniatures Team

The sculpt from TFB has so much more , lovely detail work ......looking forward to seeing the arrows recipient

The Osprey book with the original illustration IMG_1442.JPG

Thanks for the update

Hi Nap yes this what it’s based on,but Master decided to go all out on it and make it a bit more interesting. He is doing the same with the enemy so it’s going to look different to the artwork. I will keep you updated as I get the updates.


TFB Miniatures Team
As always it comes down to taste. Personally I would have liked a well sculpted version of the original artwork. To my eye there is just too much going on and it makes the figure seem too squat.
It reminds me a bit of the Iron Mountain dwarves from Jacksons Battle of the 5 armies.
Might be the camera angle.
Hi Del & Tommy. It does look a bit squat but I’ve been assured it’s down to the camera and how the files were sent to us. We will know more when we get the master or he takes better photos of it.

But if it comes to it with a little bit of ingenuity he could be turned into a Dwarf from the fantasy genre.

The original idea was to do it the same as the art work. But we like to give the sculptor a free rein on some things and he researched this. It’s a late mongol period around the Timirid era so the armour Was quite ornate from the art works we have been shown.

Once we have the vignette complete and better photos we will then judge it. If we feel things need to change then we will do so, but for now we are looking forward to seeing how it pans out.

Our late mongol commander will be released next week again it’s a very ornate piece but it works very well and gives the artist something to test their skills on. We are looking at them making a nice vignette if the modeller wishes.

Well with all that said we will wait and see, but thank you for your comments and observations. We do take note and where ever possible make adjustments.

Thank you

TFB Miniatures Team
Hi all here is an update as promised on the new vignette, this time it’s the guy who is on the receiving end of the mongol arrow. It’s still some way to go but you will be seeing the idea come together.

Just to show that we do listen to your comments Igor (Master) took note of the comments and has started to re work the archer a little give him a little more height. ( so it was not how the photo was taken as we first though The) so that issue has now been amended and I will post the finished version as soon as we have updates.

Thanks again


TFB Miniatures Team

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Hi Steve

Great to see how the sculpt develops ....going to look good if not a little dead ....lol

All credit for reworking the archer ...good to have companies listen to comments

Thanks for the updates

Looking forward to seeing more
