World Nations Trophy Competition


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Perhaps if we can get funding from the Heritage Ministry, or maybe a grant from the Minstry of Sport, we could get a team together. Lets' see, air fair and hotels for 6...hmmm :lol: :lol:
I did not see any limits on the numbers of members! Of what I read the minimum is two members, a leader that can be a member at the same time and a judge. Therefore the team can be composed of a minimum of 2 members, in which case only one painted the entire display, up to whatever you want!!!
Hello guys . You already had the chance to see a preview of this . Thats the official announcement of the competition . Please check with me in any case of question about it .

I d like to hear all feedback and replies and suggestions on this issue .

World Nations Trophy Competition (W.N.T.)

Description - Definition

The World Nations Trophy is an annual National Teams competition of miniature art organized by the Hellenic Federation of Miniature Artists (STAR CLUB of Athens , Organizer).

The W.N.T. will be hosted every year in a different country (Host), during a major Miniature Competition.

Teams will be named after the country name of the Team Members (i.e. Greece , France , Italy e.t.c.) The WNT will be held as a separate independent event during the Host Event.

The first WNT will be held in Italy, during the “Le Petit Soldat” International Competition in Saint Vincent, October of 2006


All Countries that wish to participate with their National Team has to choose their Team leader, that will remain in contact with the organization, will declare participation to the Organizer (Greece – STAR CLUB), or to the hosting Country each year (Italy for 2006). Every country is allowed to participate with one (1) only team. The setting of the team, as well as the selection of the miniatures is total responsibility of the team.


For the first year the following class are selected, next event can be opened to others typologies ( as vignette or only sculpted figures).
Commercial Figures cannot be transformed or converted, only colour conversion are accepted, presentation for each figure is free.

First year selections are:

1 - Foot Figure up to 65 mm.:
EMI MINIATURES GLC11 Greek Hoplite 5th Cent BC

2 - Mounted Figure up to 65mm.:
METAL MODELES CCEC Officer, line mounted chasseurs 1809

3- Foot Figure up to 90 mm.:
PEGASO MODELS Art. 90-038 Crusader Sergeant

4 - Fantasy Figure up to 65mm:

5 - BUST:
LATORRE MODELS LM-BUO3 93rd Highlanders, 1854

6 - One totally scratched and painted foot figure should be up to 65 mm, free theme

The scratch figure is at the free choice of the participating Team. But it must not present a nude, or any possible offending picture for the common feeling.

Team Composition

Every Team will be build up from:
A: Team leader
B: Team judge that cannot participate with a miniature of his in the Team display ( he has to be present at the hosting show)
C: The team members

Team Leader can be a Team Member and have his miniatures in the Team Display.

Minor nations ( ie Malta, Croatia, Switzerland or small countries) can create a mixed team with no more of two nations each team

Contact points for declaring participation and more detailed information and questions
( is not necessary to have the list of TEAM MEMBERS to declare the participation)


Costas Rodopoulos e-mail: [email protected]

2006 Hosting Expo « Le Petit Soldat »

Ivo Preda e-mail : [email protected]
Team Canada!! You lot are always so self deprecating (I can say that because I am officially still an Allien) .

Unfortunatly the Liberal government is no longer there to "sponsor" us! :)

However here are a couple of names to throw in - some serious talent about -

Rick Taylor - Chicago medal winner, multple golds - he could go as a one man team!!!!!
Vincent Wai - Alpha Image
Peter Karel - if someone can convince him to sculpt again (remember Achilles from the Chicago show and the Lawrence at World Expo in Toronto??)
Joe Videki, Paul Kelly, Tad Wigmore etc etc etc etc