Yellowstone Buffalos safed


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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2005
To days ago, Mr. Brian Schweitzer Gouvernor of Montana and the Chief of the Yellowstone National Parks anounced in an press conference, that beginning with monday no Yellowstone Buffalo will be killed anymore in Montna. All wild Buffalos will be captured and returned to the Yellowstone National Park.

The World wide Protest against the killing of the Yellowstone Bisons seemd to be sucessfull.

In any case thank you Mr. Schweitzer for this decision!!!

Perhapes this could be a good reason for a company to produce a 54 mm Bisons?

Many greetings from Germany

Excellent news. It's a great park and I hope to visit it again one day.
Maybe someone can sculp a bison killing Buffalo 'zero brains' Bill. I would certainly love that!
I guess you have to live in an agricultural environment like that surrounding the Park herd to appreciate the damage buffalo do when they mix with domestic animals. Brucelosis in particular is catastrophic to pregnant cattle and the big whoop de do was all about a very few cattlemen trying to protect their herds. Lots of negative publicity but if you like your Big Macs and Burger King, or any beef product, have a little mercy on poor Governor Schweitzer. Yellowstone is a magnificent natural treasure surrounded by
people who wrestle a living from that very difficult environment and it is no joke to survive. Come September 1 all the tourists and the tree huggers go home and the natives are left to duel the land and weather and it is a very tough fight. The Yellowstone is not the only significant herd of Bison in Montana; the National Bison Range at Ronan is twice the size of the Yellowstone herd and remains extremely healthy and well protected. The American Bison is in no danger of dying out again, and that symbol of the West will continue to inspire and enthrall. Montana has few people to speak out for her, so I will.--Steve Scott
There are a couple of 54mm Buffalo out there. One is by The Old Guard cast back in the 70's and the other is a newer kit from S&M Miniatures that planetfigure member Tomas Castano sculpted and sent me the kit. It comes with an Indian reclining on a rock looking down on the Buffalo.

Here is the Box top of the kit.

Min SM.jpg

Here is the box art picture of the Buffalo

Buf 1.jpg

Not sure if S&M Miniatures is still in operation.