The last letter of the A-Z challenge and it gave me a bit of a headache. The word Zealot has got a bad name but basically all it means, in it´s original Greek form is emulator, a fanatical follower.
This lot are Taborite/ Hussite Priests, a fanatical lot, very puritanical and the driving force behind the Hussite wars (1420 - 1434)
The standard bearer holds the hussite "chalice flag" but stupidly I didn´t get it in shot
Based for Impetus.
Thanks to Arlee Bird of Tossing it out Blog, for the idea and running of the A-Z Challenge...and congrats to all who have stayed the course :-D
A another go Next year?? :-D
This lot are Taborite/ Hussite Priests, a fanatical lot, very puritanical and the driving force behind the Hussite wars (1420 - 1434)
The standard bearer holds the hussite "chalice flag" but stupidly I didn´t get it in shot
Based for Impetus.
Thanks to Arlee Bird of Tossing it out Blog, for the idea and running of the A-Z Challenge...and congrats to all who have stayed the course :-D
A another go Next year?? :-D