WIP "Pluck Yew" Agincourt Archer 1415


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone

Following on from a plea to get this piece and a great response from Kevin D as here: https://www.planetfigure.com/posts/1011510/

Thanks Kevin

This fellow is now on my bench....base coated

Still might put a retinue badge on once I can source one ..english or welsh badge ?

I did post and had a response but a little unsure ...but thanks to arj and others for their response as here:


Sculpted of course by Andy Cairns ....featuring the famous finger gesture...lol

went for the same hairstyle as me ....LOL


Going to do the fleshwork first

I will be stringing the bow later on ...managed to break it twice so far!!!

wip 010.jpg wip 011.jpg

Keep watching

Happy benchtime

Hi everyone

Following on from a plea to get this piece and a great response from Kevin D as here: https://www.planetfigure.com/posts/1011510/

Thanks Kevin

This fellow is now on my bench....base coated

Still might put a retinue badge on once I can source one ..english or welsh badge ?

I did post and had a response but a little unsure ...but thanks to arj and others for their response as here:


Sculpted of course by Andy Cairns ....featuring the famous finger gesture...lol

went for the same hairstyle as me ....LOL

Going to do the fleshwork first

I will be stringing the bow later on ...managed to break it twice so far!!!

View attachment 366557 View attachment 366558

Keep watching

Happy benchtime


My word mate you are cracking them out faster than me, he is looking good, I love the smile on his face on the boxart.

Will be following this one.

My word mate you are cracking them out faster than me, he is looking good, I love the smile on his face on the boxart.

Will be following this one.


Hi mate

LOL ...I think not .....too busy hiding little boxes !!

At the moment he looks like a toothpaste advert but the boxart teeth will be similar on mine

Happy benchtime

Wot, no medals, oh dear, oh dear.
Looking good Nap and not a period I have seen you do before.
Following the Agincourt salute.
Wot, no medals, oh dear, oh dear.
Looking good Nap and not a period I have seen you do before.
Following the Agincourt salute.

Yes Bob no medals .....certainly not my normal period

Stay tuned for the salute...lol

Nap, very good painting !

but in all honesty : what the F*** is that sculpt ? Neanderthal ? planet of the Apes ? ... worst face i've ever seen, ever !
i won't even speak of the hands ...

Cheers Franck ...the artwork is from Andy himself , I like painting Andys sculpts ....they are very full of character ....the fingers do look a little long .......but it will still paint up okay and together they all make a good display

My version is the smaller pics in the first post ....I have now done the eyes and nearly finished the teeth ...what he has left !!!

Thanks all for looking in

Happy benchtime

Looking forward to following this Nap. Not seen this bust from Andy, thought he stuck to the more modern WW1,2 etc. As for the retinue badges most of the stuff on the net that I’ve seen seems to show either the full St George’s Cross or a smaller version on the left breast. I’m just doing the Medieval Forge XVth Century archer at the moment and using Gerry Embleton’s book on Medieval military costume as a source of reference. There is reference in that to the Black Prince ordering his clerk to buy green and white cloth to make a courtepye (jacket) and chaperon (hood) for each of his Welsh bowmen from Flynt (Flint). The garments were to be half green(right side) and half white(left side). I noticed you’d gone for the green and white scheme-don’t know if those colours related solely to Welsh archers or became general colours.

Looking forward to following this Nap. Not seen this bust from Andy, thought he stuck to the more modern WW1,2 etc. As for the retinue badges most of the stuff on the net that I’ve seen seems to show either the full St George’s Cross or a smaller version on the left breast. I’m just doing the Medieval Forge XVth Century archer at the moment and using Gerry Embleton’s book on Medieval military costume as a source of reference. There is reference in that to the Black Prince ordering his clerk to buy green and white cloth to make a courtepye (jacket) and chaperon (hood) for each of his Welsh bowmen from Flynt (Flint). The garments were to be half green(right side) and half white(left side). I noticed you’d gone for the green and white scheme-don’t know if those colours related solely to Welsh archers or became general colours.


Hi Neal

Thanks for looking in and sharing the details ref clothing ....going to say my fellow is a Welshman !

Look forward to seeing your MFM archer

Now painted the eyes and the teeth ...initially looking like the joker !!....will probably revisit the teeth !

Just starting the fleshwork

Happy benchtime

Hi Guys

Been a little busy with life so not much update pics except face completed since taking these pics now did a bit more on face ...went for the rugged look !!!

.....now that rather stylish hairstyle done as is the "white" half of his shoulder hood

Off to paint !!!

Happy benchtime


wip 001.jpg
wip 003.jpgwip 002.jpg
This would be a yew self bow. They had very distinctive colouring with the heart wood dark and the sap wood very light. The heart wood would be towards the archer when using it. See pic attached. BobView attachment 367371

Going to have to get this right ...lol

Didn't realise it so appreciate your time

Should be finished for show at end of month ...famous last words ..

Nice face painting Kev, & I like the way you've done the teeth (what an old mate, an ex-Fusilier, used to call "combat teeth" - green & black with six-foot gaps between them!);)

That's nice painting Nap, like the flesh tones.
Yeah - good start!

Like the Fleshtones...!

Be careful with the arrows - they hurt!


Hi Chris ...thanks for comments ........dental hygiene wasn't top of the priority Infeel ...lol

Bob...cheers for looking in seemed to struggle on the flesh for some reason but happy now

Martin ..thanks and boy did he have a bad day ...Ouch !!!

Working now on the green side of the hood ...going to add stitching as well ...hopefully

Happy benchtime

Hi Guys

Bit of a verbal update ....been a bit busy with other things

All the clothing now completed ...textured ..quite pleased with the result ...gone for a dirty, battle worn look

Still no insignia on him ....might add a small Red Cross to add a little bit of colour

Next up will be the bow .....paying particular attention to the different colours of Oda used (as in pictures) and the end of the bow

Then the wrist guard, finger protector and then then the fleshwork on the hands

Finally I will fit a bowstring

Will try and get pictures done

Thanks for looking in
