Galapagos Miniatures News 'Alai'


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Ju-Won Jung

Active Member
Jun 13, 2013
Hello everyone,
Happy new year!

I'm pleased to announce that the box art of our new release ‘Alai’ is complete. :)
I collaborated with a Special Painter 'Marko Miladinović' for two versions of box-art.

I hope you like it!

Title: Alai -The Templar's Atonement
No: GP-B010
Scale: 1:10 Resin Bust
Parts: 13
Concept illustration: Erak Note
Sculpted & Painted by Ju Won Jung
Special painted by Marko Miladinović (Craftworld Studio)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send email to:
[email protected]

Sincerely yours,
Ju-Won Jung

ALAI-01 Ju Won.jpg

Painted by Ju Won Jung

Alai-Marko-Miladinović-boxart 01.jpg

painted by Marko Miladinović

ALAI-03 Ju Won.jpgALAI-04 Ju Won.jpgAlai-Marko-Miladinović-boxart 03.jpgAlai-Marko-Miladinović-boxart 02.jpg
Hi Ju-Wong

Thanks for sharing the stunning artwork by Marco

As usual always good to see Galapgos releases ....this one will be popular with so many painting variations depending on the modellers ideas

Happy releasing

Such a beautiful model and a nice mix between interesting armour elements and fabrics to keep it interesting to paint.

I wonder.......... the painting is exceptional and the sculpt is of the highest order but I do have a personal observation that makes me slightly uncomfortable.
To my eye both the paintwork and the sculpt show a childlike face on a much more mature body. OK it's fantasy and although not my thing it's as good as this genre gets I can see it being very popular.
I agree with Del and others about the quality of the sculpt and painting challenge... but also about the uncomfortable child/woman juxtaposition (though a pubescent body would perhaps be deemed even worse). The issue is created by the illogically* exposed cleavage amidst what is otherwise some fairly heavy-weight upper body armour (perhaps this is what Grasshopper was referring to?).

*or, I suppose logical if maximising sales is your aim... as they say, 'sex sells'.
I wonder.......... the painting is exceptional and the sculpt is of the highest order but I do have a personal observation that makes me slightly uncomfortable.
To my eye both the paintwork and the sculpt show a childlike face on a much more mature body. OK it's fantasy and although not my thing it's as good as this genre gets I can see it being very popular.

Hi Del I can see where you are coming from with the youthful face, but for me with the elf ears I just thought typical looking elf with a young face. In a way she reminds me of Deedlit from Record of Lodoss war with a youthful face but as you say a mature body. And as for the mature body part I think we are talking about the cleavage which I personally thought was done very well as the breasts fit with the body size and haven't been done in an unrealistic and over the top way.

... she reminds me of Deedlit from Record of Lodoss war

Might it be that such manga/anime/computer game characters are created in this way for exactly the same reasons?

As said, the sculpting and both painting efforts are great (I personally prefer the more natural boxart style) and I'll stop here before I get accused of going off topic again.
Might it be that such manga/anime/computer game characters are created in this way for exactly the same reasons?

As said, the sculpting and both painting efforts are great (I personally prefer the more natural boxart style) and I'll stop here before I get accused of going off topic again.

Neil I wouldn't say you are off topic and I think it's great on this forum people can have a conversation about a hobby they love. I wont get into the manga/anime/computer game debate as that really is a minefield :D.
I wouldn't have normally have posted much more than saying I really like this bust but I wanted to find out what people meant by there comments. I guess I was concerned that some might come across as if they are saying Ju Won Jung had sculpted an inappropriate representation of a child which I think would be very unfair and unjustified.
I will finish by saying that this sculpts face reminds me of my favourite fantasy illustrator Arthur Rackham's work, look at his work of Daphne, Pandora, the fairy song or any other of his female fantasy pieces and you will see that the fae fairy folk and elves are often portrayed with youthful faces full of innocence but this doesn't mean they are children. Oh and as to the breasts and practicality of armour on fantasy female pieces I think that's a like or don't like thing that will always be.

Thank you very much for your various opinions. :)
This time, I collaborated with a Korean illustrator.
I tried to express as much as possible the young woman felt in his concept illustration.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to various interpretations of this bust by the painters.

Ju Won