Hessen-Cassel. Leib infantry Regiment. Officer 1776


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Oct 6, 2017
Friends!! And another release from Medieval Forge Miniatures !!! "Hessen-Cassel. Leib infantry Regiment. Officer 1776", 75 mm, С-75-034 !!!! Sculptor Sergey Lupanov!!!:):):)
Information site: http://medievalforge.pythonanywhere.come-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/758541954318951/

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Hi there

A great looking figure and a very interesting period of history as well

This will look great painted

Perhaps we might see a flag bearer and a drummer

They would also make great bust subjects

Thanks for sharing

Stay safe

Nice figure, but he needs a shave. Officers didn't wear mustaches, except for hussar officers. They were gentlemen, and facial hair had fallen out of fashion for gentlemen around 1700, and didn't come back into fashion till the French Revolution broke out.


Interesting detail there ..wonder why the Frank Mniaturesi has a moustache

The MFM has one as well ...wonder what the reference was ?

Interesting detail there ..wonder why the Frank Miniatures has a moustache

The MFM has one as well ...wonder what the reference was ?


Yeah, I meant the MFM figure, but I think we have post in the archives for the Frank Miniatures figure, and I made the same comment.

I think sculptors add them because they think they look cool. King & Country's Hessian officers also sport mustaches that Bismarck would envy.


A PS-The motto they have on the box cover is for the wrong revolution, too.
Wow....just about the same Pose as the Leibinfantry Officer figure from Frank Miniatures...

There's a vague similarity, perhaps, in that the left arm is extended on each figure. I don't think they're close enough for the MFM figure to be a rip-off of the Frank Miniatures one, if that's what you meant to imply.

No Brad I wasnt implying that at all,it would have been nice to see a complete new Pose.

Cool, thanks for clarifying, Pete! I agree. It's like getting seeing a model company bring out yet another P-51D or Me-109 kit.

Y'know, looking at the Frank Miniatures piece, the pose reminds me very much of Carl Röchling's painting of the Guard storming the churchyard at the Battle of Leuthen, and with Möllendorf’ exhorting the grenadiers to take the walls:

I guess it's hard to get beyond the usual, when trying to come up with a pose.
