Nice work, Bob! That is a great looking figure.
Nice one Bob
See you on Sunday hopefully
One of my favourite era's and great figure Bob..... Mike
Fantastic paintwork Bob
Beautifully done.
Super rendition of this Bob. Is it the John Belcher figure? Looks a super piece and on a bit of a Crimean roll at the moment so may have to dig into the money box and pick one of these up.
Nice looking figure, I like your painting of it.
Lovely painting Bob.
Excellent paintwork!
Hi Bob
A lovely figure extremely well painted , do like the lacework and the really nicely done colour on the Jkt
As always nice base presentation
Johns sculpting looks great .....hope he does busts in future as well
Hope you can bring this along to Bugle Call
Thanks for sharing
Very cool. Really well done!
Very nice indeed Bob! Always nice to see some British cavalry. Regards Pete