Wanting to Buy Various figures and diorama buildings


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A Fixture
Mar 30, 2009
Athens , Greece
Hi Fellow Planeteers,

I m looking to find the following items :
Time Machine miniatures set of Gandamak (retreat from Kabul) 54mm
Time Machine Miniatures vignette "Death Of Tecumseh"
El Viejo Dragon Achille's Chariot
El Viejo Dragon Alexander the Great bust
El Viejo Dragon "Monk" bust
Andrea Miniatures 54mm Edmund Hillary ("Everest)
Beneito Miniatures English Officer
Beneito Miniatures Storming at Badajoz vignette
Custom Dioramics European Clocktower
Custom Dioramics Train Station (intact)
Custom Dioramics Train Signal tower
Custom Dioramics Gasthoff pt 2

I am aware that some of the above items can be found in eBay but before there, I am asking if anyone here would like to sell them.
All fairly priced items will be considered, please feel free to send pm .
Thank you in advance for reading the post, looking forward to hear fromm any of you!

71vEnJXBeqL._AC_SX450_.jpg 893_BCS4.jpg 893_BCS7.jpg 663773-15526-24-pristine.jpg Screen Shot 2022-02-10 at 19.14.47.png Unknown1.jpg Unknown2.jpg el-viejo-dragon-54mm-achilles-chariot_1_cc8d10dbd86a063cc0e1ddefbd9baf62.jpg EL-VIEJO-DRAGON-CB07-ALEXANDER-THE-GREAT-white.jpg s-l400.jpg WEBeu-2-f-707x1054.jpg Unknown3.jpg 875_MD25.jpg SG-F105-01.jpg custom-dioramics-european-train_1_2ef511d119efe7f20825cd1e4536d871.jpg Screen Shot 2022-02-10 at 19.24.56.png Screen Shot 2022-02-10 at 19.23.40.png Screen Shot 2022-02-10 at 19.23.12.png
Hi Buddy ,
I have Time Machine 4 figure vignette​
BCS-5 for 50 Euros and will Throw in the Beneito britisch Officer Albuhera for free .The Beneito Officer Has been Primed and the Hand With sword and the sash Tassel have not been glued so is an easy job to clean off. PM me if interested.​
Hi Buddy ,
I have Time Machine 4 figure vignette
BCS-5 for 50 Euros and will Throw in the Beneito britisch Officer Albuhera for free .The Beneito Officer Has been Primed and the Hand With sword and the sash Tassel have not been glued so is an easy job to clean off. PM me if interested.


Pm sent
Update :
Time machine 4 figures vignette (code BCS-5) and Beneito miniatures English officer were found .
Please feel free to send pm in case that you have any of the rest.....

El Viejo Dragon's Achille's chariot also found
Captain Souter single figure found.
Still looking for time machine sets (except BCS-5) and buildings.