Completed Anti war demo


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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2016
Thanks for looking.
Been a long time since I put paint to plastic, so I thought I’d share my latest work.
I’ve been watching the Ken Burns Vietnam documentary on TV a war I know next to nothing about and it’s a terrific show. The testimony from both sides is just fascinating.
My scene represents for me the most interesting episode of the series which describes the actions of those great number of men who had fought the war but came to be anti war protesters.
The figures are modified 1/35 Bravo with Hornet heads, medals are from Eduard. All painted in acrylics
IMG_4236.jpeg IMG_4238.jpeg IMG_4224.jpeg IMG_4225.jpeg
A fair way to go with it, if anyone has comments or advice feel free.
Ta. Paul
Just my personal preference, I would add a 3rd figure. It always strikes me that when you have an even number of figs, the mind tells you "that's all there is", whereas an odd number implies the scene extends beyond what we see. Other than that, excellent result!
Hi Paul

Great to see you painting and as always a interesting subject , liking the new heads and the choice of pose

I agree with Jason ref adding a 3rd , think it will emphasise the crowd feeling at demo's

Looking forward to seeing more updates

Happy benchtime

Great choice of subject, especially given current conflicts around the globe, nicely painted. In the 70's when we had a lot of CND protests in the UK I had a t-shirt printed that read "Ban the whale Save the bomb", it went down well until people read it a second time!

Cheers Simon
Nice! And being on the next step adds some nice elevation to the scene
Do you have a yelling head that you could use on him? That would go well with the guy holding the sign and kind of sneering, more emotion being displayed. I would also have him looking in the same direction so that we know there is something or someone "over there" whom they are protesting to or at.I think looking off to the side kind of lessens the impact, almost like he is bored or not really into it.
Agree with Jason above though the unpainted figure gave me an idea. Would you be comfortable painting the third figure in black and white as though he was a ghost or a memory of the conflict, protesting along side his brothers in arms even though his voice couldn't be heard. Just a thought.

Cheers Simon
Hi Paul

Nice to see a third , some really good ideas from Jason and Simon

Look forward to seeing what you do with this now

Happy benchtime

I always enjoy seeing your model projects come together. Thanks for sharing.

I'll second the motion for the Ken Burns Vietnam documentary. It's outstanding and one of his best. I can recommend getting the Box Set because you will want to watch it more than once.
Agree with Jason above though the unpainted figure gave me an idea. Would you be comfortable painting the third figure in black and white as though he was a ghost or a memory of the conflict, protesting along side his brothers in arms even though his voice couldn't be heard. Just a thought.

Cheers Simon
Thanks for the input, hopefully this will do the job for Halloween .

I’ve also been working on the third figure and his placement. Kind of like the slope arms look.
IMG_4247.jpeg IMG_4248.jpeg IMG_4249.jpeg

Thanks again
Awesome, if that's not a good halloween vignette I don't know what is.

As for the third figures placement I would be inclined to have him on the lower left as you look at it due to the height of the other fellas placard. Gonna look good where ever you put him.

Cheers Simon
Hi there

This is coming along really well , agree ref having different signs

Like the Halloween version

Looking forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

He is a great figure, it's all very evocative of the period. Maybe it should have been black and white with a strong whiff of weed!

Cheers Simon
...I had a t-shirt printed that read "Ban the whale Save the bomb"...

We had T-shirts here in the States, that read, "Nuke the Whales!" I think there was a band that even recorded a "Nuke the Whales!" song. Those were out around 1980, when I was in high school.
When I was in college, we had a saying at my school: "F**k 'em if they can't take a joke!"

We had T-shirts here in the States, that read, "Nuke the Whales!" I think there was a band that even recorded a "Nuke the Whales!" song. Those were out around 1980, when I was in high school.
When I was in college, we had a saying at my school: "F**k 'em if they can't take a joke!"


1981 I joined the army, it's only recently that I started to understand just what the joke was, if youth is wasted on the young then it's too bloody late getting wisdom when you're old. That said we only live once and my wife and I have decided to grow old disgracefully, so bring on the whale song bombs and all!

Have a great day, I'm off to bed!

Cheers mate, Simon

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