Flesh colors...couple of questions.


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Dec 8, 2007
Grande Prairie, Alberta
Greetings to all,

I'm new to this site but not new to the modeling side of things. I've mainly built WWII armour and planes as well as WWII gaming. Painting the flesh on them is quite simple...however, I have just received my first 54mm model of a Roman Praetorian guard and am looking at using oils...hear a lot about them.

This is where I'm not sure about using oils when it comes to painting flesh and was wondering what colors would be recommended to use.

Secondly, what would be the steps to using these flesh tones...from base color, highlighting and shadow.

I would be greatly appreciated...:)
Hey Doug, and welcome to the Planet! I would say there are probably as many mixes for flesh as there are painters. I'm an oils man and this is what I use. I use raw umber, cad red, yellow ochre and ti. white. My initial mix (shadow tone) is raw umber red and ochre. To that I add incresasing amounts of the white to gain my mids and highlights. I generally use around 5 shades. I also mix up a small amount of raw umber and red to make a nice deep maroon-ish color for use on the cheeks and lips. I would spend some time wandering the galleries and V-bench areas to see what suits your fancy. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions if you have them. All of the folks here are generally very willing to share! HTH,

Jay H.
This is where I'm not sure about using oils when it comes to painting flesh and was wondering what colors would be recommended to use.
Hi Doug, what's your palette? Not much point in making suggestions that use paints you don't have :)

Caucasian fleshtones are basically a slightly dull tint of orange, so almost any red + yellow + white can be used as a base. Depending on which paints you're using you may need to dull this down a touch, in which case a dot of blue, green or black can work well.

More in this older thread.

base flesh = is composed of W N Titanium white + Rembrandt Burnt Sienna + W N Raw Sienna and a very tiny amount of W N Windsor Blue.

Medium Shadows =W N Burnt Umber with a little Rembrandt Burnt Sienna.

Deep shadows = W N Burnt Umber.

Extreme Shadows = W N Sepia

Medium highlights =W N Naples yellow.

High highlights =W N Naples yellow + W N Titanium white.

Extreme highlights = W N Flake white.

Cheeks and lips = W N Indian red
