Workshop 2011


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A Fixture
Aug 17, 2003
O'Fallon, Missouri
A first for PlanetFigure and a first for figurists in the USA!

We, at PlanetFigure, are proud to present a new project designed to help improve any one's level on painting miniatures. For the first time in the USA, we will host a figure painting class in St. Louis with the renowned acrylics painter Fernando Ruiz, from Barcelona, Spain.
More than just your average hour long painting demo at a figure show, this will cover all the basics and advanced techniques demonstrated by painters from Spain and Europe.
Figurists across Spain, Italy and the rest of Europe attend workshops and seminars between shows to learn from talented and well known artists that share their techniques to help other painters to strengthen their skills. We, at PlanetFigure, have decided to try giving the same chance of live learning to painters here in North America for the first time.

This class will consist of 8 hour sessions over three days and will cover the painting of a 54 mm figure from start to finish with acrylics’ techniques. The class size will be kept minimal giving Fernando time to assist each participant to follow along.
Included in the cost of the seminar will be a set of top quality Marta Kolinsky brushes for each participant and the miniature. Also, we’ll be providing diverse reference material for each pupil, including a printed SBS on the miniature (Fernando will bring a sample of it painted and will paint another one live so everybody can see the process) along with high resolution photographs.

Veteran painters or new painters, the depth of instruction and tutorial would be a benefit to everyone.
Also we plan to do some other general activities in order to relax from the class hours and get the pupils to know each other in a good atmosphere of friendship and comradeship.

Instructor: Fernando Ruiz
When: September 2-4
Where: Embassy Suites (Augusta Room), St. Charles, Missouri
Duration: 24 hours, three eight hour days
Work Piece: The Violinist by Nocturna
Cost: $250.00 USD (miniature included)
Class size: 25

Sponsors and Donors

Vallejo (Paints and Brushes for particpants)
Historic Art Miniatures (the Workshop Figure)
Creative Foundations (Figure Display Bases for particpants)
New World Miniatures (Gift for particpants)
Art Girona (Door prizes)
Ares Mythologic and Draconia Miniatures (Gifts for participants)
And others to come!

Click here for Map

Payment Options:
Registrations will end on August 15th, seats are going fast!

PlanetFigure c/o Gordy Stronach
248 Westridge Dr.
O‘Fallon, Missouri 63366

[email protected]

Don’t miss this unique chance of participating in a one-of-a-kind event! Seats are going fast!
For any info and inscriptions contact contact Gordy here : [email protected]
See you in St. Louis!

See official page for additional details

Watch this thread for announcements!

I really like this idea. It's perfect opprotunity for "us" here in the states to participate in what the europeans have been doing for quite some time! A win win situation for all who attend. I can't commit just yet as I am waiting to see what happens with a possible deployment looming in my future. Rest assured, if I'm here, I WILL be in attendance!

Jim Patrick
Graet idea! Hopefully it will work out pretty well, so we can see more events like that in the future. I am definately in and will pay at begin of the next month.

Gordy, could you reserve one spot for me?
Well, buddies!
Finally we have the official announcement. I want to say that it will be a real honor to give this seminar. We'll have a great time, spending some time in comradeship and miniatures, painting and having lots of laughs! Undoubtelly it will be a fantastic experience for all.
Here is a pic of the miniature we'll be painting:


I want also to give some credit to Jesús from HistoricArt/Nocturna and Alex from Vallejo Acrylics for giving us their sponsorship in this project.

Stay tunned to this thread for further details or, if you need any specifyc info, just contact me or Gordy.

See you in St. Louis!

PS. Piotr, glad you finally can make it. That means good news ;)
Hi! Here Jesús Martín of Nocturna models.
I want to thank Fernando and Gordy for the idea of this excellent seminar, I´m very proud for offering you the violinist figure.
I hope you´ll enjoy painting it as I did.
The pic in Fernando´s topic is my painted version of this amazing figure sculpted by Pedro Fernández. I´ll love to see what Fernando can paint now!
It´s a big honour for me to collaborate in this painting class, I have given Fernando pics and material to make great this seminar.
Best regards
Should be a great time! I will be there for some of it, both my son's have a football tournement( local, this time) that weekend. I hope that others will come out as well and that this can become an annual event!

Piotr, your seat is safe! (y)

Fernando, thanks for the great idea, inspiration and hard work to get this rolling looking forward to it =)

Jesús, many thanks for the collaboration and figure inspiration (y)

Jose, thanks! We are all very excited to see first hand in depth techniques of the acrylics style pioneered in Europe!