A Fixture
Figure sub-assemblies as follows : feet + legs + torso + left arm and hand / right arm and SLR + barrel and bayonet + night sight + home-made sling / 5 separate pouches / head. All undercoated in Tamiya grey primer.
... now, do you guys prefer the head with helmet - which is the original head in the kit - or the head with beret (pirated that one form a M Corry WWII para) ?
And what are the base colours for the DPM camo windproof smock and trousers you would advise me ? I was thinking of Vallejo Green Ochre 914, flat brown 984, and 950 black, but I hesitate about the green - Vallejo russian green 924 seems to much olive, I think the green was more an apple green, what vallejo colour would you suggest ?
Thanks for looking,