WIP Critique 1/6 Sculpt Maj. Talbot Papineau PPCLI October 1917


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BTW - I have my own affliction....threw my lower back out putting my trousers on on Thursday. So the sculptng on this fella was done prone.

Man o man... In some lost ancient tongue, "Colin" must translate to "Broken old man". 2013 has been a rough year on us :blackeye:
Man o man... In some lost ancient tongue, "Colin" must translate to "Broken old man". 2013 has been a rough year on us :blackeye:

Now you sound like my wife who is constantly saying retire while I still have some miles left on me. And actually I read it means "young virile hound" in old French. In my books it should instead be translated as "old duke" per the Beverley Hillbillies.

hounddog.jpgHello Duke...er Colin, Sorry to here about your back. I threw mine out a couple of weeks ago just sneezing. Its not easy sitting at your bench with heating pads and pillows. I sympathise with your discomfort. Your bust is coming along great. I to, thought you would have some trouble with the shirt and tie area, but you have really pulled it off. The uniform, and details, all look excellent to this point. Really nice detail on the strap also. Looking forward to your progress. Regards, SG:)
View attachment 134431Hello Duke...er Colin, Sorry to here about your back. I threw mine out a couple of weeks ago just sneezing. Its not easy sitting at your bench with heating pads and pillows. I sympathise with your discomfort. Your bust is coming along great. I to, thought you would have some trouble with the shirt and tie area, but you have really pulled it off. The uniform, and details, all look excellent to this point. Really nice detail on the strap also. Looking forward to your progress. Regards, SG:)

I was doing something very dangerous when mine went out...I was putting my trousers on....told my wife that I won;t make that mistake again. This happens so much that my doc gave me good drugs and they usually cut it off at the pass. Thanks SG.

I was doing something very dangerous when mine went out...I was putting my trousers on....told my wife that I won;t make that mistake again. This happens so much that my doc gave me good drugs and they usually cut it off at the pass. Thanks SG.

Percocet+Flexoril+rye= a Colin so relaxed he can slide under a door... PAPERMAN!!!!
I feel your pain. I have one ruptured and one herniated disc. My back will go out doing such acrobatics as getting off the couch or picking up a towel off the floor after shower... in that instance I ended up in a heap, wet and naked on the floor of an empty house... options, wait for someone to come home or call out to the neighbour women I can hear chatting just outside for help:sorry: turned out to be an awkward rescue...

Will you be OK for Saturday?

Hi Colin,

I really like your bust. Well, the one you just did and that we can see above. Although busts are not my thing (well, the ones on this site): my brain is always looking for the rest. Can't overcome this mental block. Nevertheless, I can appreciate the work that's visible. You did a very good job.

I would like to know where you got your supply of Magic Sculpt. I googled MS and the nearest supplier to Montreal is some taxidermist deep in the woods north of here, who doesn't answer my email. Otherwise, I found e-shops in the US and UK selling the stuff. My local hobby shop flatly refuse to order it, the owner reminds me of Seinfeld: "What's wrong with Miliput? It's not easy enough for you, I can ask the help of model railroaders for you." So I am stuck with Miliput...


I made the mistake of ordering mine in the US. Everything was fine quick delivery but really got stung for shipping and import tax etc. Won't do that again. BTW I am close to Montreal too.
Percocet+Flexoril+rye= a Colin so relaxed he can slide under a door... PAPERMAN!!!!
I feel your pain. I have one ruptured and one herniated disc. My back will go out doing such acrobatics as getting off the couch or picking up a towel off the floor after shower... in that instance I ended up in a heap, wet and naked on the floor of an empty house... options, wait for someone to come home or call out to the neighbour women I can hear chatting just outside for help:sorry: turned out to be an awkward rescue...

Will you be OK for Saturday?

AAA Supply House Ltd.
#3 2235 – 30 Ave. N.E.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2E 7C7
Toll free phone 1-877-250-8995
Toll free fax 1-877-291-3808
Email Address [EMAIL='[email protected]$43.50'][email protected][/EMAIL]

This is where I got mine... about 5 days delivery... $43.50 for 5lbs (natural colour)

The other Colin

I got my MS from the same place....reasonable price and fast reasonable shipping. Yes I will be OK for Saturday.Do you know if its a figure show?

Percocet+Flexoril+rye= a Colin so relaxed he can slide under a door... PAPERMAN!!!!
I feel your pain. I have one ruptured and one herniated disc. My back will go out doing such acrobatics as getting off the couch or picking up a towel off the floor after shower... in that instance I ended up in a heap, wet and naked on the floor of an empty house... options, wait for someone to come home or call out to the neighbour women I can hear chatting just outside for help:sorry: turned out to be an awkward rescue...

Will you be OK for Saturday?


Is it on YouTube?

Hi Colin,

I really like your bust. Well, the one you just did and that we can see above. Although busts are not my thing (well, the ones on this site): my brain is always looking for the rest. Can't overcome this mental block. Nevertheless, I can appreciate the work that's visible. You did a very good job.

I would like to know where you got your supply of Magic Sculpt. I googled MS and the nearest supplier to Montreal is some taxidermist deep in the woods north of here, who doesn't answer my email. Otherwise, I found e-shops in the US and UK selling the stuff. My local hobby shop flatly refuse to order it, the owner reminds me of Seinfeld: "What's wrong with Miliput? It's not easy enough for you, I can ask the help of model railroaders for you." So I am stuck with Miliput...



hi Patrick - other Colin has given you the source for MS. I like busts because I really enjoy modelling and painting faces, headgear, chests, and hands etc. and I get bored doing legs (which is weird because I am a leg man in other endeavours :)).


I wrote them but haven't heard back yet... My assumption is it's figure rules like Chicago as opposed to IPMS rules. I'll just crate a few pieces and see what's what when I get there.

And no... not on youtube :cautious: I think

Just evesdropping here :) Is that the Ontario Model Soldier Society show? If so its Open System, the judges actually spent a lot of time in the Atlanta shows learning how to judge theirs. Its predominantly Toy Soldier but with a small figure side show. There will be a lot of toy vendors there but I cleaned up with some excellent prices on figures though. I went there last year, it was a big show as it was their 50th, went to the dinner and all. It will have everything from figures to toy soldiers with usually a nice showing of 1/9th scale action figures. Very friendly bunch too.


Thanx Ray
I just received a set of rules from the coordinator... you are quite right. I've never been to one of their shows so this will be new. Should be interesting.
Thanx for clearing up some still open questions


If you are competing in the figure competition they have really nice trophies, its a York Ranger Figure (thats their Club Symbol) on a wooden base In Gold, Silver and Bronze. Its not your typical Figure show like Chicago or others, Its a day of military miniatures of all types, figures, toy soldiers, 1/9th scale, and its held in Fort York. I really enjoyed myself there last year and it was interesting to see and interact with all aspects of military miniatures. Its also an old club (last year their 50th) they in the past has had members such as Peter Twist and used to have a very competitive group of painters. They have gone more to the Toy Soldier side but there are still a few die hard figure painters there. They are making a concerted effort to bring back the figure side of their club. Look up Ian Pearson when you get there he is a personal friend of many years and club historian.


Thanks Ray - I used to be a member many years ago but left when the balance moved too far to toy. Sounds like it may be worth checking out if they are interested in attracting the modellers. It was indeed a friendly bunch and their meetings always have interesting speakers. I just wasn't going to be bothered if their shows had no significant modelling element. Sounds like its worth the trip.

BTW - I realized last night that Papineau's Brest pockets are too narrow to be accurate so off they come. Then I just need to add some button texture, collar dogs and the dreaded PPCLI shoulder titles.


Colin de Oakville

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