Very good! You've rendered the female face and skin tone really well.
Would you share how you accomplished the effect on the hair / wig? Its nice and subtle and much like something I am trying to accomplish on a figure I'm working on.
Right, a bit of time to think and put down what I did with the hair.
first of all I primed with Halfords White, then made a dark blue colour using W&N Paynes Grey and a little white (W&N Paynes Grey is very blue), I used a bit of this colour and thinned it with artist white spirit (I find this less aggressive than standard stuff), I used this as a wash to get into all the fine detail.
Once dry I then used the same colour neat and put in the shadows. Allow to dry (I think I may have used a wash of Burnt Umber into the deepest shadows)
I then drybrushed a very fine amount of burnt Umber (this was a fortunate mistake as the brush I used to dust off contained some burnt umber which I didn't realise until too late)
Then came a selective wash of Magenta to add a bit of variance, Allow to dry.
Then to tie it all in I used a wash of titanium white. Allow to dry
Afterwards I picked out highlights with neat Titanium white.
I think that was basically it, but as I said, I just keep adding and painting until I'm happy
Hope that is of some use