Hi there everyone
Time to introduce a new company to you , a result of a passion for the hobby by one of Planet Figures member's namely Richard Pearce aka maximus37 .
Behind every guy is of course the supporting and very hardworking and even more very understanding lady in Richards case its his wife Helen whose support has been so important getiing this release to the market.
Why Mookies.....a tribute and in memory of Richard and Helen's much loved cat Mookie whose paw prints you see on the box label
The release is a bust but fear not there will be an option of legs for a full figure in the very near future!!!!
What also good to know is that individual parts are also available separately to purchase , all it takes is an e mail to Richard ( details at the end of the review)
The release was announced here:

Details of the release are as follows:
Title: Royal Marine Special Boat Service , 3 SBS , Fanning Head , Falklands , c 1982
Reference: N/A
Scale: 1/10th
Material: Gray Resin
No of parts: 17
Sculptor: Moz Corry
Casting: In House
Box Art: Peter Day
Depicting one of the " elite within an elite" on operations in 1982 on 20/21st May
Bit of background info:
An amphibious landing force was preparing to deliver troops into San Carlos Bay, which would become the bridgehead via which the Islands would be retaken.
Of concern to the British planners was an Argentine position placed atop Fanning Head, a high ridge that overlooked San Carlos Waters. Radio transmissions had been detected, from an Argentine call sign of 'EC Hermes'. Believed to be half-company sized and covering the approaches to the landing areas with heavy weapons, the Argentine presence was a significant threat to the landings.
The task of clearing Fanning Head fell to 3 SBS, supported by HMS Antrim.
The Argentine position was located by using a thermal imaging device attached to Antrim's Wessex helicopter.
An SBS assault force of some 25 men, many armed with GPMG's, was delivered into the vicinity, piecemeal, by Wessex helicopter.

Accompanying the SBS was Captain Hugh McManners, a Naval Gunfire Forward Observation (NGFO) specialist from 148 Commando Forward Observation Battery who was expert at directing artillery fire from Antrim's main gun, and Caption Rod Bell, a Spanish-speaking expert at psychological operations, who hoped to persuade the Argentine forces to surrender.
As the SBS approached the enemy positions, Captain McManners directed artillery fire onto the target. Upon reaching the target area, the SBS lined up and aimed their GPMGs towards the enemy forces. Hoping that the shelling the enemy had suffered would be enough to break their morale, Captain Bell, called out in Spanish for the Argentines to surrender. The response from the enemy positions was a volley of machine gun fire. With that, the SBS countered with sustained fire of their own, raking the Argentine positions with GPMG fire as well as M203 grenade launchers and LAW rockets.
The SBS moved forward, getting within hand grenade range of the Argentine positions before those surviving defenders chose to surrender. The SBS and naval artillery had killed 11 of the 60 enemy, 6 had surrendered and the rest had fled. The SBS had suffered only light injuries.
One interesting event is reported to have happened the following morning as the landings got under way. A pair of Argentine attack jets came screaming up the valley and flew over Fanning Head, seeking to attack the landing force. The SBS who were now covering the landings from the Argentinean defenses opened up with small arms fire, bringing down one of the jets.
Books are available here are a couple you might like to look at:

Its my honour to dedicate this review to all those that served in the campaign on both sides .Continued in next post