Figurinitaly news dec.17


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Jul 21, 2005
Turin, Italy
dear Friend
I've the pleasure to inform you about the new figure from Figurinitaly

The sixth and the seventh will be available in a week, sorted from capable hand of Antonio Zapatero they represent two different personalities of the Napoleonic era

FI 6 is Samuel Hurzan ULAN, captain of the Lithuanian Tartare at Lipsia in 1813
based on a contemporary painting and on the LePlumet planche n° 228 i dedicated to Albert Rigondoud well known as Rigo

Samuel Hurzan ULAN (5).JPG Samuel Hurzan ULAN (1).JPG Samuel Hurzan ULAN (3).JPG

based on the following documents
Hurzan Ulan.jpg PL228.JPG

FI 7 is a portrait of Gaston Henry baron de LIVRON - colonel of the light horse of the Neapolitan Royal Guard 1811
is based on a contemporary portrait and is characterised by his colors amaranth, white and silver

Livron (Pierre-Gaston-Henri de Livron) Pierre-Gaston-Henri (1770-1831).jpg the original portrait

De Livron (1).JPG De Livron (3).JPG De Livron (5).JPG De Livron (6).JPG

all are in 1/30 scale

order to
[email protected] or par private message

thanks for the attention

Ivo Preda
Is RIGO still with us Ivo? Also, do you know how Danilo Cartacci is faring at this point? I was saddened by his cancer diagnosis earlier this year. Ciao.
Is RIGO still with us Ivo? Also, do you know how Danilo Cartacci is faring at this point? I was saddened by his cancer diagnosis earlier this year. Ciao.

Rigo unfortunately died this year at 91. He was hill since long time

Danilo is ok, I met him in Monte san Savino nad was ok
Marvellous figures. I bought Davout, Poniatowski and De Beauharnais at Monterouge and the casting by Metal Modeles was simply superb.


Ivo, you haven’t mentioned the two new sets of heads, 3 & 4, shown in the colour advert. Could we see them in close-up, please?


Hi Jeff

they aren't really news. For this reason I didn't mentioned them as news. In any case are expressive heads. Here the pictures

by the way my latest scottish use an head coming from that sets

3 head set  .jpg 4 head set  .jpg