PlanetFigure Supporter
I'ts been a long time since my last post on this project,had quite a lot of personel problems to deal with which took priority over figure painting,however I've managed to overcome most of these and regained my mojo for painting again,however due to the fact I wasn't painting and modeling at all it did cross my mind to give it up completely,but when you've been doing something you love for more than 30 years I found it hard to turn my back on it.
Anyway,ive managed to complete quite abit more since my last posting,but its a long way from being finished,but I thought i'd add the update pictures anyway.
I have laid some acrylic base colours to the knapsack,these I will finish on the next session with oils and washes.

Many thanks for looking and your continued support.
Anyway,ive managed to complete quite abit more since my last posting,but its a long way from being finished,but I thought i'd add the update pictures anyway.
I have laid some acrylic base colours to the knapsack,these I will finish on the next session with oils and washes.

Many thanks for looking and your continued support.