Geoff Charman
A Fixture
Just started my next bust, another one from Stuart at Stormtrooper Miniatures, this one of a French Hussar Officer from the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71.
A lovely smooth and crisp mould, sculpted by Greg Girault, which comes in three pieces, head with attached Kepi, main body with crooked arm and a gloved hand holding a cigarette/cigar that fits nicely into the end of the sleeve.
I have cleaned it up which again was minimal and gave him a good wash.

Primed him and when dry I started on the head with the eyes first and a coat of flesh base coat in acrylics.

Now to start using the Artist's oils for the flesh.
A lovely smooth and crisp mould, sculpted by Greg Girault, which comes in three pieces, head with attached Kepi, main body with crooked arm and a gloved hand holding a cigarette/cigar that fits nicely into the end of the sleeve.
I have cleaned it up which again was minimal and gave him a good wash.

Primed him and when dry I started on the head with the eyes first and a coat of flesh base coat in acrylics.

Now to start using the Artist's oils for the flesh.