WIP Reflections of Arnhem - update 5


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Jun 21, 2009
Into the final stages now with this latest bust,ive added some beige colouring to the webbing with some seam lines added in,these just need reefing a little which ill do once the oils have dried off,the binoculars ive finished and added in place and I have added the camo flashes which are prominent on the Denison smocks,one more session should finish this one off,4 down and 1 to go :eek::nailbiting:

The colours I have used for the Denison were all finished in oils over acrylic basecoats.

Gold Ochre + White
Olive Green + 10% Windsor yellow + white
Light Red + Vandyke brown + white as required

Lining was done using acrylic black thinned down.

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Beautiful work Brian. What kind of wash did you use to obtain that fantastic finish on the denison. Was it a mix of colors?

Many thanks Joel

I don't use washes on any figure painting I do,
I think you may be thinking about the picture itself,I edited the picture with a program I have on my PC to give it that look
Cheers Brian. You're also a brave man for staying the course in doing 5 of the same subject. Wow, I've got the attention span of a hummingbird:D:cool:
Thanks paul,I'm lucky like that,I've always been a slow and patient worker when it comes to hobbies,I think I picked it up in my childhood years when I started fishing
Perhaps I did not explain well enough what I'm trying to do. I'm not trying to get a picture looking like yours, I want the painting of the figure to look like your picture. Should I spray a matt finish on the figure?

I can't advise you as I don't use varnish either on my subjects,you will just have to go with what you think is best,have you got a picture of your piece