Steve Ski
PlanetFigure Supporter
Ok Gents, the bunker has been cranked up to full power and we are in business once again, it's been a long summer.
At the end of last winter I was working on a 3D German U-Boat Gun Deck, Type VIIB made by Shapeways, Sasa Drobac. Taesung Hamms graciously sent me Alpine's 1/16th scale German U-Boat Captain, kit # 16021, and I picked up another Watch Officer figure for that particular dio build.
In this section of the blog I'll be covering Alpine's 1/16th scale German U-Boat Watch Officer, kit #16036, by Taesung Hamms. Now, yall may remember I've already done this figure for Track-link, exclusive build. I paid for this Watch Officer to go with Alpine's 1/16th scale German U-Boat Captain, kit # 16021, which I did not pay for. So, the Watch Officer in this blog and the Captain will appear in the final pics for this particular blog, the Gun Deck. The Captain will "not" be a feature in this blog except for the final pics, that is for Track-Link exclusively. Clear as mud, I know, HA!
Here we have the motley crew all together.
Now, what you did not see, unless you visited my blog on TL, was the method used to paint the face specifically. I ran across a young lady's work on YT showing how she blends oils and starts from a basic grey background and produces some incredible work. So much so that I've used it to paint the Captain's face exclusively, with better than expected results. That partial head painted you see on the right was painted as a test run for this method. The pretty young lady's name is Daria Callie. She's very well known in the portrait community and she has several videos you can use to perfect your techniques. I had to go through the videos once again to get back into the swing of things, so to speak, after a long summer season.
A frontal view showing the flesh tones blended without a base tone. The pics are a bit glossy, but oils will dull after a few days. There's still plenty to work over on this head, but for right now, he's looking pretty good for starters. I painted this head in just over four hours, that's a first! I plan to nail this method down hard, it works too well to just let it get rusty in the ol cabesa.
The eyes will be worked a bit more, plus blending more tones/values into the surrounding upper cheek and below the eyes, etc.
After a few days I will go over the beard to get it dialed in. The lips will be worked a bit more too. As you can see, the gloss from the oils makes it difficult to really see all the detail, but they will become more apparent after the Dull Coat.
At any rate, it's been one heck of a long summer and I'm glad to be back in the bunker. The only thing stopping me now is plowing snow, and that ain't so bad, HA!
Please, if you "see something, say something", I'm not shy to constructive criticism, I'm still learning too.
Thanks for watching, more to follow soon. Cheers, Ski.
At the end of last winter I was working on a 3D German U-Boat Gun Deck, Type VIIB made by Shapeways, Sasa Drobac. Taesung Hamms graciously sent me Alpine's 1/16th scale German U-Boat Captain, kit # 16021, and I picked up another Watch Officer figure for that particular dio build.
In this section of the blog I'll be covering Alpine's 1/16th scale German U-Boat Watch Officer, kit #16036, by Taesung Hamms. Now, yall may remember I've already done this figure for Track-link, exclusive build. I paid for this Watch Officer to go with Alpine's 1/16th scale German U-Boat Captain, kit # 16021, which I did not pay for. So, the Watch Officer in this blog and the Captain will appear in the final pics for this particular blog, the Gun Deck. The Captain will "not" be a feature in this blog except for the final pics, that is for Track-Link exclusively. Clear as mud, I know, HA!
Here we have the motley crew all together.

Now, what you did not see, unless you visited my blog on TL, was the method used to paint the face specifically. I ran across a young lady's work on YT showing how she blends oils and starts from a basic grey background and produces some incredible work. So much so that I've used it to paint the Captain's face exclusively, with better than expected results. That partial head painted you see on the right was painted as a test run for this method. The pretty young lady's name is Daria Callie. She's very well known in the portrait community and she has several videos you can use to perfect your techniques. I had to go through the videos once again to get back into the swing of things, so to speak, after a long summer season.
A frontal view showing the flesh tones blended without a base tone. The pics are a bit glossy, but oils will dull after a few days. There's still plenty to work over on this head, but for right now, he's looking pretty good for starters. I painted this head in just over four hours, that's a first! I plan to nail this method down hard, it works too well to just let it get rusty in the ol cabesa.

The eyes will be worked a bit more, plus blending more tones/values into the surrounding upper cheek and below the eyes, etc.

After a few days I will go over the beard to get it dialed in. The lips will be worked a bit more too. As you can see, the gloss from the oils makes it difficult to really see all the detail, but they will become more apparent after the Dull Coat.

At any rate, it's been one heck of a long summer and I'm glad to be back in the bunker. The only thing stopping me now is plowing snow, and that ain't so bad, HA!
Please, if you "see something, say something", I'm not shy to constructive criticism, I'm still learning too.
Thanks for watching, more to follow soon. Cheers, Ski.