Recent content by Calvin


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  1. Calvin

    Problems with Milliput wash

    Do not use water, it messes up the putty, use (denatured) alcohol (75º or 96º) instead, it dissolves the putty and evaporate quickly. Depending on the surface you may also consider to use the Tamiya putty or the Gunze Sangyo dissolved putty, both can be thinned with denatured alcohol as well.
  2. Calvin

    How I bronze

    thank you!
  3. Calvin

    How I bronze

    We are getting old indeed :( Thank you :)
  4. Calvin

    Acrylics bronze ?
  5. Calvin

    Completed Gorilla

    Marc, Alexandros thank you. For those who are interested I still have a few resin castings, price is 19 euros + S/H (bust + base, bamboo and foliage not included).
  6. Calvin

    Completed Gorilla

    Thanks Mike.
  7. Calvin

    Completed Gorilla

    Thanks. Nick thanks for the tips, I cannot use a standard oven, I use instead an heat gun which has a very rough temp indicator and a too hot value is what scorched the piece, at least I learnt how much to turn that temp regulator.
  8. Calvin

    Completed Gorilla

    Hi there, hope you all are fine. This little entirely in Sculpey while the base and foliage in epoxy, feel free to comment as you prefer.
  9. Calvin

    Completed Critique 1/2 scale Dana Scully

    Really nicely done, who produces the kit ?
  10. Calvin


    Thanks. Tim my first thought was to make a smaller base with a lot of little bats flying away but that's too much work and I'm too lazy... Twomoons, feel free to email me their address and I'll contact them for sure... Well, so the Hiketeia ritual was basically about granting a total...
  11. Calvin


    Made of Magisculp in 1/5 scale as usual. The inspiring cover (on the background) is from an old issue of the Wonder Woman comic about the ancient Hiketeia Greek ritual.
  12. Calvin

    Vampirella Joe Quinones style

    Thanks but I'm not from the USA and Roy Hunt sadly passed away some time ago. If you are from the UK I think the best option for the Magicsculp is El Greco Miniatures, take a look here.
  13. Calvin

    Vampirella Joe Quinones style

    I mean using wet sandpaper, the gray one NOT the red or whatever just the gray, when you wet it it becomes malleable while water extends its abrasive life and above all that way there is no putty dust all over the workbench.
  14. Calvin

    Vampirella Joe Quinones style

    An huge lot lol anyway when sculpting that size parts like torso, pelvis, thighs are filled with uncured Sculpey, I mean a rough Sculpey modelling over the wire armature and a layer of Magicsculp over the uncured Sculpey.
  15. Calvin

    Vampirella Joe Quinones style

    Thanks, much appreciated. It's the "sand to death" technique... After placing a new layer of putty I smooth it as much as possible using a synthetic brush and alcohol and when the putty dries I sand it down to 1000 and even higher sandpaper using some water.