Recent content by davana69


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  1. davana69

    Big bunch of figures for sale

    Hi Ginno,sorry but any figure is intresting by me. I don´t know yu´re a big Ginno Poppe!!!!!. Cheers. DAVID.
  2. davana69


    HI DALE,OK BUT I´LL BE NOT BUYING THEM AT THE MOMENT. Thanks so much for your kindness. Cheers. DAVID.
  3. davana69

    Completed Critique "The loss of the Wigfall Flag", Antietam 1862

    Hola Mestre,molt bona peça!. Quan la vaig veure pensava que l´havia pintat l´Ernesto peró que va,és un tros de peça. A veure si ens veiem algun dia.Ja em diràs. Bona setmana. DAVID.
  4. davana69


    Hi dale,shipping is signed-for o registered?. Cheers. DAVID.
  5. davana69


    Hi, shipping to Spain for... Pegaso models 54-153 Knight with axe Art girona H-24 Attila Cheers. DAVID.
  6. davana69

    Completed Officer, 42nd black watch, crimea 1854

    Sorry but your plaid is so linear and poor!!!!!!!!. Blatch watch plaid is dark but it of yours is lack of richness. Despite it figure is so effective and brightly implement. IMHO. DAVID.
  7. davana69

    For Sale GA Reduction !!!!!

    Google is better option.........
  8. davana69

    Ünternehmen Merkur, 1941

    Hola Jaume,el águila de la lufftwaffe la has pintado o viene esculpida?. Un saludo.
  9. davana69

    Wanting to Buy Lf: Warriors 1/9 German General Stalingrad

    Jason,look at this................. Cheers. DAVID.
  10. davana69

    WIP Critique Dak Bust (young Miniatures)

    Hola Gerard,m´agrada la idea de texturitzar la base perque gaire bé o mai es veu un buste amb base com la teva. Perfecte!!!!!!!!!a veure si puc tenir la sort de veure-la en viu. Salut. DAVID
  11. davana69

    News February Scale75

    What sight of yours...........same legs from Alpine?.
  12. davana69

    New World Miniatures Christmas Sale.
  13. davana69

    Another SS guy in camo...

    Hi again i meant next time NOR LAST TIME.I think A LITTLE HUMOR IS NOT BAD but....................
  14. davana69

    Andrea's Seaforth Highlander,Sudan 1898

    But what´s it?a hand is left!!!!!!!!!Jaume,jaume.