Recent content by grunt26


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  1. grunt26

    my new WiP: Vietnam 1:35 Heli attack diorama

    Looking good so far, quite the ambitious project! However, you're mixing US Marines with Army soldiers......usually that didn't happen.....but if you're fine with it, by all means please continue, I'm looking forward to seeing it finished!
  2. grunt26

    WIP Darling of the South-Robert E Lee

    When I was painting a Verlinden Lee bust last year, I googled it and came across Lee's records....had all his vital stats in it, and it stated brown eyes. Unfortunately I can't find the bookmark I had for it....
  3. grunt26

    WIP Darling of the South-Robert E Lee

    Wonderful start! Love the flesh tones....however, Lee had brown eyes, not blue.
  4. grunt26

    USMC 1st Div., Guadalcanal, 1942 (Life Miniatures)

    Absolutely OUTSTANDING!!!
  5. grunt26

    Siam Craft Miniatures (Thailand) - News

    Wow! That's great! PLEASE continue this line....we need more USMC Tet Offensive figures, and ARVN is most welcome as well!
  6. grunt26

    1/9 Sergeant major bust

    Looks rather exceptional!
  7. grunt26

    R. E. Lee....finished?

    Thank you, Wayne!
  8. grunt26

    R. E. Lee....finished?

    Thank you! I've been on a steady diet of US Marines, and Vietnam subjects for a couple of years. I've never had an interest in the ACW until a few weeks ago....this was my first ACW project.
  9. grunt26

    R. E. Lee....finished?

    Hi all, I've been absent from PF for too long, thought I'd come back with this! Painted a Verlinden 1/5 Robert E. Lee bust. He's painted entirely in Vallejo acrylics. I need to paint the bottom of the bust black, and work on the plinth, but he's finished. Thanks for looking and any comments. Rod
  10. grunt26

    USMC PTO Finished!

    Thanks everyone! Means a lot. I rarely have anyone seeing my stuff....
  11. grunt26

    USMC PTO Finished!

    Thank you both! The flag is quite flat, and has some sand on it......maybe that's what you're seeing?
  12. grunt26

    USMC PTO Finished!

    Just completed this one a few days ago. Alpine 120mm Charging US Marine, PTO. Figure is painted entirely in Vallejo, base is made from sand, resin logs, railroad plants, and Mig laser cut jungle foliage. Thanks for looking, and comments welcomed! Rod
  13. grunt26

    Completed Viet Nam RTO Conversion

    Absolutely fantastic, Nick! Any chance of casting some up for sale, I'd love one in my collection!! Rod
  14. grunt26

    Completed Iwo Jima Marine

    Wonderful! Absolutely fantastic job! Looks great, and the base really sets it off. Excellent. Rod
  15. grunt26

    Is Regimental S4 Still Operating?

    Great news! Thanks, Nick.