Recent content by homellop


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  1. homellop

    1/35 Fallschirmjäger 1940 Andrea Miniatures

    Hi Folks! Hope you'll like my latest paint job... all the best jaume
  2. homellop

    WIP Critique 93rd Highlander Alma 1854

    I know how you feel...I'm also painting this figure and I'm not satisfied at all with my results. I've painted several Jeff Shiu's figures and I can not complain about quality but this one is not one of their best imho...I'll try harder... :(
  3. homellop

    WIP Critique Iron Brigade - 19th Indiana - 75mm

  4. homellop

    Completed Luftwaffe pilot 1940

    Amazing job!.I like it a lot.
  5. homellop

    A Letter from Taesung

    Congratulations T !!!
  6. homellop

    WIP Southern Pride

    Me gusta mucho!
  7. homellop

    Three Young 1\10 busts

    Love them all!!!
  8. homellop

    WIP 71st Infantry Regt; ( Highland Light Infantry)

    Hi John. It's a beautiful paintjob but I miss a bit more contrast everywhere,specially on the face and pants.I know contrast it's a matter of taste and every people has his own oppinion about that but in this scale I really miss a bit more of it. all the best jaume
  9. homellop

    Unternehmen Merkur, 1941

    Beautiful!! Love the face
  10. homellop

    Ünternehmen Merkur, 1941

    Finished! Hope you like it... jaume
  11. homellop

    WIP WSS MG Ammo (1/16 Scale, Resin, Painting for Alpine Miniautres)

    Hi! Beautiful camo!! Love the helmet cover head. What kind of boots is he wearing btw? Amazing job! jaume