Recent content by Hullebullen


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  1. H

    Minisoldiers News of May.

    Excellent looking figure in terms of sculpting...However, the BAR looks really small to me.
  2. H

    Alice, Chaos Demon and Bust of Nina

    Well, I'm not Mathieu but Alice is a commercial piece from Hasslefree miniatures... Scroll down a bit and you'll find "Alice"...
  3. H

    Celtic Chieftain

    Looks excellent! I would never try to pull off painting the rim of the helmet after completing the face, I would be too scared to mess up. :o Superb job so far!
  4. H

    Show us your grey army

    Graham has more stuff in his grey army than the model shops in my city has on their shelves combined. :(
  5. H

    News from Alpine Miniatures: March 2006

    Excellent! Calvin has really done a great job capturing the look of the splinter pattern camo...Great figs!
  6. H

    How to tackle glueing really tiny parts...

    Thanks for the replies, guys... I realized now when you pointed it out to me that I can glue the helmet ( I think I will try to pin it as well) to his side...I guess I was to to distressed looking at the tiny straps thinking: "This will never work!" to see that simple solution... :lol:
  7. H

    How to tackle glueing really tiny parts...

    I'm currently building Andrea's "Crusader" (Orlando Bloom from Kingdom of Heaven)...Thing is he his holding his helmet by the straps...the problem is that I feel somehow superglue prolly won't cut it...or it will be extremely flimsy at best...I don't feel like leaving it out either as his pose...
  8. H

    Andrea Miniatures

    @ Frank Found this browsing Coolminiornot yesterday... Jeremie's website
  9. H

    Muslim Warrior is painted also

    Hehe, when I first saw this I thought: "What a weird pose..." It wasn't until now I saw the arrow sticking out of his chest... :o Splendid work! Love the flag!
  10. H

    Andrea Miniatures

    Hehe, I saw a couple of pharao's at the Egyptian museum in Cairo...they were in pretty poor shape compared to this guy, though... ;)
  11. H

    Andrea Miniatures

    Personally, I like the Ashigaru best...Ramses looks nice as well, although he has a bit of a "Hollywood" look to him...The Celt looks a bit like the Celt from Elite Miniatures by Latorre... *edit* It is not my intention to slam the sculptor of the was just an observation...
  12. H

    First figure in 5 years!!

    Hi there Argyll...I see you've found this place too! Good looking fig you got there, even if the spots are on the "big-ish" side... if I could only drag myself away from the off-topic forum and do some painting of my own... :lol:
  13. H

    All New To This Area

    Hi Amir... I spent some time in Israel working, a few years ago, near Beersheva...planning to go back some time when my finances allow it. A very nice country. Good to see someone from Israel here... Jaume Ortiz made an excellent SBS on painting modern US 3-color desert camo and woodland camo...
  14. H

    Amazing New figure from Romeo - Maurizio Bruno

    Woah! Prolly the best greek fig I've ever seen! I must find a way to get my hands on this one... :lol:
  15. H

    Holding larger metal figures while painting?

    :o Wowza, that's quite the set-up you got there, Johan! Superbly illustrated to boot! I've been thinking somewhere along those lines but I think I will go for a similar but simpler solution. Kudos to you guys for all the answers and ideas...