How to tackle glueing really tiny parts...


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Active Member
Mar 22, 2004
I'm currently building Andrea's "Crusader" (Orlando Bloom from Kingdom of Heaven)...Thing is he his holding his helmet by the straps...the problem is that I feel somehow superglue prolly won't cut it...or it will be extremely flimsy at best...I don't feel like leaving it out either as his pose would look funny...

How do you guys go about this?
if Guy has taught me one thing about securing things it's this, two part epoxie. I have just started using it for smaller stuff and it seems to hold better than CA. It also takes to painting much better if you need to touch it up! HTH,

Jay H.
If you have enough room on the pieces you are gluing, try spot gluing with the CA in order to hold the pcs in place while the 2 part epoxy cures. :)

Hi there!

I understand exactly what you're talking about!It feels very bad thinking that something on your figure is fragile.It feels like it won't last for long ;).I had the same feeling some time ago,until I realize that in fact much more things on the figure are fragile,not only thin parts that need to be glued to other parts.For example,Latorre's Northumbrian carries spears that have points too easy to brake.Cyanoacrylic (CA)glue lasts more than thin "white-model-metal",believe me!.

Why not two parts epoxy glue clay?It's MUCH more fragile than CA!!!It's a filler,not a glue!

Why not two parts epoxy glue?Although it's much stronger than CA,it hardens VERY slow(are you going to hold these pieces together for 2 hours?)Even if you find something to hold the pieces together,nothing guarantees you that they will stick together properly!
Furthermore,it's not as thinned as CA and will seem ugly and unreal when you'll paint the model!

CA it's your best choice!I use "Roket hot" CA,but I've heard best words about Andrea's CA(I wanna get it,but I can't find it in Greece and I'll have to order it!)
How to use CA for a stabile result:I recomment sticking the whole arm with the helmet to the corpus.This way you could stick the helmet both to the hand and to the tunic(on the side).You see that in this model you actually have no stability problem!But I'll continue,because in the future you may paint a figure when this won't be possible.For example imagine you had to paint Latorre's Northumbrian with a helmet on the left hand-smaller scale and no ability to use Epoxy glue ;).So,be sure that bioth surfaces are clean and you're glueing straight metal on metal(not painted metal to painted metal,cause the paint may leave the metal,and you may think that the glue is guilty!).Use a needle to apply the glue(this way you'll contol the amount of glue you're using...).After the two parts are stuck on one another,apply some more glue with the needle around the area between the two pieces,but not too much.In your case,after you have glued the straps to the glove,apply some more glue on the straps to the glove.This way you're giving an extra layer of glue that provides extra stability,without being too thick and look unnormal when painted.

That's it!Do it and don't be afraid,it will last if you don't touch it.

Hope I helped!
Thanks for the replies, guys...

I realized now when you pointed it out to me that I can glue the helmet ( I think I will try to pin it as well) to his side...I guess I was to to distressed looking at the tiny straps thinking: "This will never work!" to see that simple solution... :lol: