War of Roses Man at Arms.


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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2019
While my Gurkha and French Infantryman wait patiently in line to be painted I have started my next two projects: an English Civil War pikeman bust/half figure and a War of the Roses Man at Arms.

my inspiration for the Pikeman was a 1/6 th scale pike man by the talented Tony Barton and pictures of actual armour.


I’m using one of Sarnia Miniatures as my base (thank you Peter! Great service as always!) and have extended the breast and back and now have to add the tassets hanging from the breast plate. The figure will finish at the bottom of these tassets and will represent a red coated regiment from the New Model Army.


continued in next post
My other WIP is a man at arms from the War of the Roses.


The basis for the half figure is a bust that has been knocking about in my stash for some years. I think it was made by Wolf or Sovereign really not sure. He was wearing a soft civilian type hat by I am trying to make a visored sallet which is proving harder than I thought (all those soft shapes).
now to start working on the breast plate and foulds.
ultimately he will have a poleaxe over this right shoulder and a belt supporting a hand and a half (aka a bastard) sword , dagger and purse. The head is just resting in place at the moment.

Hi Nigel

Great idea to use the Sarnia and S2K busts to produce a individual one off piece

A lot to rework but it's going to be worth it ...the sallet is definately getting there

If I might say the small base underneath is something I'd lose and replace

Following with interest

Happy benchtime

Basic tassets and tops of trousers added to my ECW Pikeman. Was going to have him in one of the drill book positions but even in this scale the pike would be about 18 inches long so have changed his position and having him lunging with a sergeants halberd (will fit in my cabinet that way!).
now got to add skirts of jacket at the back and the individual panels etc to the tassets

Have now split this into two threads as work on the two figures is progressing at different rates.
I will leave this one as WIP on WOR man at arms.
please see new thread on ECW Pikeman.
Further work on my War of the Roses man at arms:
Source figure and how it looks to date, with further work undertaken on foulds and arms added.
To be added, buckles, waist belt, sword, purse and dagger and finally a pole axe.

This one too is finished apart from a bit of a clean prior to painting.
Now armed with a pole axe, a hand and half sword (know as a “bastard”), a dagger tucked through his purse and a buckler (ready to swash!!!).

I posted the following on a couple of other threads.
I quote

“A word about representing jacks. I seem to remember a fellow member, who if memory serves me correctly was also a re-enactor pointed out that contrary to what you might expect the seams on a jack remain clean while the actual padded pockets get dirty. I suppose when you think about it it is the actual padded pockets that rub against equipment, armour etc and take general wear and tear, while the seams remain protected. The attached photos give a good idea of this effect. When I read those earlier comments I had to admit to myself that I had been painting jacks incorrectly and had to change my approach on subsequent models. I shall certainly bear this in mind as I paint my War of the Roses man at arms (see separate WIP).
Please….this is not meant as any criticism of the way Sven paints but just goes to highlight (I know…dreadful pun!) a common misconception.”

well….I’m trying to put into practice what I preach on my WOR man at arms. It feels so counterintuitive and wrong! Here’s progress so far……

Nearly there! Just a bit of touching up needed. Note to self….learn to take better photos!.

0F2C9090-2DC4-4BAE-9558-4BE6AED8151B.jpeg E9505EC7-24A9-4DAA-A6F5-3EE64E46AD59.jpeg 2CB25E9D-A4A1-4AA4-83F0-5BFD1BF8C4F7.jpeg 0BADB6DB-AAC6-4FEE-A9A0-D59C8717ABE0.jpeg