Hi everyone
This time we meet a extremely talented man also from the US , much respected in the Miniature world we all are part of .....
I present ROD CURTIS
Hi Rod
Great to have you in the spotlight we all appreciate your time and responses as well of course your wonderful models
1 Tell us your background and details about you ?
I have been involved in the hobby since the mid 70’s. I have always been interested in art and history as a child. I was introduced to figures in the 60’s through a tobacco and stamp/coin shop in the form of Airfix HO figure sets. I would paint the figures with enamels using the box art as a guide. It wasn’t until I found a model shop that had a large collection of figures: Stadden, Rose, Series 77 etc. that I became hooked on the hobby. It wasn’t long until I found Historex and all their parts and I guess the rest is history.
2 How long have you been painting or sculpting figures , what got you started into this form of art ?
3 Who if any artist is the main influence and has motivated you to your current level ?
4 Are you a member of any club or association ?
I joined a model club in the San Francisco Bay Area in the late 70’s and was introduced to Terry Wooster. He was a very well known artist and was a Grand Master at the the US shows. He showed an interest in my work and was my first true mentor.
There are many other artists that have influenced me through the years, Shep Paine, John Canning, Bill Horan and Mike Good in the US. Europeans like Ray Lamb, Pierre Conrad, Max Longhurst and Jean-Claude Colrat have also been a great influence to me. Even at my age, I’m still learning new techniques from the artists of today.
I currently reside in the state of Tennessee and there is not a club near by. The closest would be the Atlanta club which is four hours from me.
5 Do you have a favourite paint product or medium ?
Over the years I have tried just about all the mediums available. I started out in oils because it was what most modelers used at the time. I tried enamels, Rose paints, but have settled on Acrylics of various manufacturers. I still use some oils for effects, groundwork and acrylic inks and washes. I also use printers ink and enamels for my metallics.
6 On average how long to complete a piece ?
A painted stock piece could take a couple of weeks to a month depending if it is foot or mounted. A scratch/conversion piece could take several months depending on subject and amount of conversion work needed.
7 Have you a preferred subject and in what scale to work on ie: historical/ fantasy ?
I have worked on mostly historical subjects and time periods through the years, but would say the my favorite would be the Napoleonic era. The uniforms and colors are fantastic and the possibilities in subjects seem endless. I have worked in most scales, but like 54mm to 90mm.
8 Have you a favourite piece in the display cabinet ?
I guess my favorite piece in my cabinet is my latest Historex conversion of Francois Marceau, General of Brigade. It is based on the Rigo plate utilizing a Historex parts and Aves epoxy putty
9 Is there a subject you’ve not done yet but want to ?
I have worked on mostly historical subjects and time periods through the years, but would say the my favorite would be the Napoleonic era. The uniforms and colors are fantastic and the possibilities in subjects seem endless. I have worked in most scales, but like 54mm to 90mm.
10 Is there a favourite manufacturer you’ve worked with ?
Being in the hobby as long as I’ve been, favorite figure manufacturer is a difficult question. The quality of sculptures through the years have varied. I would say you can’t go wrong with Poste Militaire, Almond/Barton, DF Grieve, Metal Models. Art Girona, Benito, Alexandros, Figutinitaly to name a few. The limited run sculpts Maurizio Bruno, Piersergio Allevi and Riccardo Cerilli. I’m sure I missed someone, my apologies.
11 What’s your favourite model show ?
I think I could get in trouble with this question. I attend most of the US shows every year and they are all great! The Atlanta show in February kicks off the new year. Military Figure Collectors of America in Philadelphia is in May and in October it is the Military Miniature Society of Illinois. In Europe I have attended the show in Monte San Savino, an experience I will never forget, a wonderful show indeed. My favorite would have to the show in Sevres outside of Paris. I have attended several times and each one has been excellent. The quality work is outstanding. I hope to attend the World Expo in Versailles next year in July 25
12 What’s your thoughts on the current world of Miniatures ?
13 Where do you see the future of the hobby heading ?
I think our hobby is doing very well. The shows in the US are still well attended and the quality continues to climb. I feel the fantasy and Sci-Fi painters and sculptors have added new blood and enthusiasm to our hobby. I’m seeing a lot of historical figure painters dabble in the fantasy side and vice versa. I think the historical side is still very strong and Napoleonic subject are still very popular. There are still a lot of modelers building tanks, ships and planes. I think we need
to encourage the younger generation to embrace historical subjects by emphasizing history in our educational systems, the good and bad. My love for history was due to great teachers.
14 Any thoughts on 3D compared to traditional sculpting ?
I feel that the 3D sculpture is here to stay. It is a tool like any other and in competent hands will produce excellent work. I think the traditional sculpture process will still be needed and is not going anywhere too soon.
15 Do you much sculpting/ conversion on your figures ?
I detail and convert on them when needed something I enjoy is seeing the piece come alive
16 Is there anyone you’d like to see featured in “Meet the Artist” ?
So many great painters but any of those I’ve previously mentioned
A MASSIVE THANK YOU to ROD for his time and interesting responses
Let’s now enjoy some of his work ENJOY
Happy reading and benchtime to all
Click on pics for larger images

A favourite of mine ...
This time we meet a extremely talented man also from the US , much respected in the Miniature world we all are part of .....
I present ROD CURTIS
Hi Rod
Great to have you in the spotlight we all appreciate your time and responses as well of course your wonderful models
1 Tell us your background and details about you ?
I have been involved in the hobby since the mid 70’s. I have always been interested in art and history as a child. I was introduced to figures in the 60’s through a tobacco and stamp/coin shop in the form of Airfix HO figure sets. I would paint the figures with enamels using the box art as a guide. It wasn’t until I found a model shop that had a large collection of figures: Stadden, Rose, Series 77 etc. that I became hooked on the hobby. It wasn’t long until I found Historex and all their parts and I guess the rest is history.
2 How long have you been painting or sculpting figures , what got you started into this form of art ?
3 Who if any artist is the main influence and has motivated you to your current level ?
4 Are you a member of any club or association ?
I joined a model club in the San Francisco Bay Area in the late 70’s and was introduced to Terry Wooster. He was a very well known artist and was a Grand Master at the the US shows. He showed an interest in my work and was my first true mentor.
There are many other artists that have influenced me through the years, Shep Paine, John Canning, Bill Horan and Mike Good in the US. Europeans like Ray Lamb, Pierre Conrad, Max Longhurst and Jean-Claude Colrat have also been a great influence to me. Even at my age, I’m still learning new techniques from the artists of today.
I currently reside in the state of Tennessee and there is not a club near by. The closest would be the Atlanta club which is four hours from me.
5 Do you have a favourite paint product or medium ?
Over the years I have tried just about all the mediums available. I started out in oils because it was what most modelers used at the time. I tried enamels, Rose paints, but have settled on Acrylics of various manufacturers. I still use some oils for effects, groundwork and acrylic inks and washes. I also use printers ink and enamels for my metallics.
6 On average how long to complete a piece ?
A painted stock piece could take a couple of weeks to a month depending if it is foot or mounted. A scratch/conversion piece could take several months depending on subject and amount of conversion work needed.
7 Have you a preferred subject and in what scale to work on ie: historical/ fantasy ?
I have worked on mostly historical subjects and time periods through the years, but would say the my favorite would be the Napoleonic era. The uniforms and colors are fantastic and the possibilities in subjects seem endless. I have worked in most scales, but like 54mm to 90mm.
8 Have you a favourite piece in the display cabinet ?
I guess my favorite piece in my cabinet is my latest Historex conversion of Francois Marceau, General of Brigade. It is based on the Rigo plate utilizing a Historex parts and Aves epoxy putty

9 Is there a subject you’ve not done yet but want to ?
I have worked on mostly historical subjects and time periods through the years, but would say the my favorite would be the Napoleonic era. The uniforms and colors are fantastic and the possibilities in subjects seem endless. I have worked in most scales, but like 54mm to 90mm.
10 Is there a favourite manufacturer you’ve worked with ?
Being in the hobby as long as I’ve been, favorite figure manufacturer is a difficult question. The quality of sculptures through the years have varied. I would say you can’t go wrong with Poste Militaire, Almond/Barton, DF Grieve, Metal Models. Art Girona, Benito, Alexandros, Figutinitaly to name a few. The limited run sculpts Maurizio Bruno, Piersergio Allevi and Riccardo Cerilli. I’m sure I missed someone, my apologies.
11 What’s your favourite model show ?
I think I could get in trouble with this question. I attend most of the US shows every year and they are all great! The Atlanta show in February kicks off the new year. Military Figure Collectors of America in Philadelphia is in May and in October it is the Military Miniature Society of Illinois. In Europe I have attended the show in Monte San Savino, an experience I will never forget, a wonderful show indeed. My favorite would have to the show in Sevres outside of Paris. I have attended several times and each one has been excellent. The quality work is outstanding. I hope to attend the World Expo in Versailles next year in July 25
12 What’s your thoughts on the current world of Miniatures ?
13 Where do you see the future of the hobby heading ?
I think our hobby is doing very well. The shows in the US are still well attended and the quality continues to climb. I feel the fantasy and Sci-Fi painters and sculptors have added new blood and enthusiasm to our hobby. I’m seeing a lot of historical figure painters dabble in the fantasy side and vice versa. I think the historical side is still very strong and Napoleonic subject are still very popular. There are still a lot of modelers building tanks, ships and planes. I think we need
to encourage the younger generation to embrace historical subjects by emphasizing history in our educational systems, the good and bad. My love for history was due to great teachers.
14 Any thoughts on 3D compared to traditional sculpting ?
I feel that the 3D sculpture is here to stay. It is a tool like any other and in competent hands will produce excellent work. I think the traditional sculpture process will still be needed and is not going anywhere too soon.
15 Do you much sculpting/ conversion on your figures ?
I detail and convert on them when needed something I enjoy is seeing the piece come alive
16 Is there anyone you’d like to see featured in “Meet the Artist” ?
So many great painters but any of those I’ve previously mentioned
A MASSIVE THANK YOU to ROD for his time and interesting responses
Let’s now enjoy some of his work ENJOY
Happy reading and benchtime to all
Click on pics for larger images

A favourite of mine ...