Thank you all for the very kind comments. I really appreciate them. I will post the mixture that I use for the flesh below but just a few other things first.
The blonde hair was done using English uniform + dark sand. Highlights adding more sand and then some off-white to the mix. The shadows are more English uniform and some burnt umber. These are all Vallejo colors.
The black is a mixture of German Grey and flat black. I kept it more on the very dark grey and then highlighted more with the German Grey and shadows pure black. The lapels were a mixture of purple and black and the highlights had a touch of Silver-gray. I wanted them to have a different look to them.
The ring was there already, sorry I could not take credit for that one. :lol:
It is so nice to have you here and I hope to see more of your work and yourself!
Thanks and I would love to see what you do with this one! I can bet that I would hide my pictures and drool all over yours!
Here is the mixture that I use on all my flesh. I hope it helps and if you can't understand just let me know and I will try to do a better job of explaining.
My base is Mars Brown + Lemon Yellow + white + Naples Yellow Red Extra (Rembrandt) (you can use a flesh color if you don't have this one) + a dab of Cadmium Red
Highlight - Naples Yellow (Rembrandt) + white
extra highlights keeping adding white until the highest are just pure white
Shadows - Mars Brown for Mediums
Burnt Umber + Venetian Red (make a brownish purple) for deep shadows
Burnt Umber for deeper
Purple Madder for the deepest shadow
above the eyes Mars Violet
All the colors are from W/N unless stated. My base coat is acrylic Liquidtex Deep Portrait Pink. I then cook it in the crock pot until it is dry. One last thing that I do and it is the truth, is that I only paint the face in 30 minutes. I do this not to rush but I am the Worlds Worse for over doing it! I find that by putting a timer on myself I do not have the time to keep tinkering with the flesh and this has, I hope, helped me to paint a little better.