A Fixture
Acrylic undercoat off burnt umber.
Base:1. Marsbrown with burnt umber
"and if you prefer lighter leather"
2. Marsorange with Marsbrown.
Usually i shade 1. with more burnt umber + Sepia for more
distressed look
2. more Marsbrown
Deeper shade: 1. Sepia
2. Raw Umber'
Highlight: 1. Marsbrown with Naples Yellow Hue
2. Marsorange + white
Highhighlight: 1. More Naples Yellow Hue
2. More white.
Base:1. Marsbrown with burnt umber
"and if you prefer lighter leather"
2. Marsorange with Marsbrown.
Usually i shade 1. with more burnt umber + Sepia for more
distressed look
2. more Marsbrown
Deeper shade: 1. Sepia
2. Raw Umber'
Highlight: 1. Marsbrown with Naples Yellow Hue
2. Marsorange + white
Highhighlight: 1. More Naples Yellow Hue
2. More white.