Hi guys. It's been a while.Here's what I've been working on lately.It's a Saxon Guard du Corp officer in 54mm.It's all scratch except for very few items.Fun project
Very Nice Work Stephen. Judging from the date stamp on the in-progress shots you do move fast. Fun to see the in-progress shots next to the finished work.
Jim J.
nice work on this one Stephen sculpting wise and painting, i initially thought the figures right arm was a little too long but looking at the painted version it looks fine, must be the camers angle.
I think ahma' going to be sick. . . Incredible. I will proceed to race home
tearfully, jump into bed, assume the fetal position, and turn the electric
blanket up to nine. Shut up. . . too much.
Wow, Stephen your are one talented artist. Just wonderful.
Naturally, I won't jump in bed. . . or off the nearest mountain. . . since it is
600 miles away in Colorado. But I love looking at your WIP and completed
work photos just the same. Congrats!!