Here's my next sculpt, it's a 90mm figure. It's a been couple years since I finished her and I haven't done any sculpting since. I need to get back into it. It's all Magic Sculpt except some wire and the flagstones which are sheet styrene.
She's painted in oils and I tried something different on the skirt. I mixed a lot of powdered metallic pigments into the paint to try and get a somewhat sparkly appearance. It only sort of worked, but it did give it a give it a kind of whipped frosting appearance which I liked a lot.
Enough playing with photos for a while now, I need to finish painting some stuff!
She's painted in oils and I tried something different on the skirt. I mixed a lot of powdered metallic pigments into the paint to try and get a somewhat sparkly appearance. It only sort of worked, but it did give it a give it a kind of whipped frosting appearance which I liked a lot.
Enough playing with photos for a while now, I need to finish painting some stuff!