A Fixture
I have had this kit for over 15 years at the base of my greay army, and have finally taken it out to start work on it. Its a garage kit by 5th Sense, all resin and was sculpted and cast when you had to mail order kits from overseas via snail mail!!!!
Although the sculpt is pretty good, the casting leaves much to be desired, lots of flashing, heavy mould lines and tones of airbubbles (the kit would probably be twice as heavy if cast properly!!!!).
I have decided to do a fair bit of work to him to bring it up to todays standards.
I will ......
- Replace the MP-5 with a scratch built one
-cut and reposition his left arm to raise it toward his mouth more
-replace the walkie talkie
-add and resculpt more folds/definition in his clothing
-generaly tidy up the kit more