WIP Critique Light Car Patrols, Western Desert, 1916-1919 Part 2


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Dan Morton

A Fixture
Jul 3, 2004
Great Plains of the Midwest, Omaha, Nebraska, USA,
Part 2 of a WIP post involving the Light Car Patrols.

If you didn't see the first post -

So the Model Ts are pretty much finished and primed in white. I've continued to leave the tires off until painting has been completed. The tires are difficult to get on and off the brittle plastic rims without breaking something. The Fords come from 70s period plastic model kits - call them kits A. I used three of them to make two modified cars. The Model T kits didn't come with engines originally, but they were the best choice for other reasons. I bought two other Model T kits - call them kits B and C. B had a pretty good looking engine but the transmission wouldn't fit. I had to modify the chassis, axles, transmissions, etc., and still didn't get a perfect fit of the engine and its transmission. The firewall of kits A was OK, but none of the three showed an electrical distribution board. So I had to make my own based on a schematic drawing and two photos. I had to site the battery inboard probably too close to the engine - there was no other location available. Each Model T was fitted by the British and Australian army mechanics with a radiator water condenser to hold boiled off radiator water, allow it to cool and be re-used. The mechanics seemed to put the condensers in different places on the vehicles. Not surprising - there were lots of differences in designs used.

You may notice that one spark plug wire is disconnected and the plug removed. The mechanic is taking a close look at the plug. He has a few wrenches in a roll-up & tie pouch sitting on the Model T fender. Note that he's put one boot up on the corner of the tie rod.

You may notice some stuff on the right of the kneeling figure (as the figure faces the viewer) - Two pencils, some dividers, a triangle and erasers.

I have a broken boot to repair and sun helmets to add when casting is completed. The driver's sun helmet will be off and I'm considering sculpting dust goggles raised above the forehead. There may be one or two other figure repairs or minor changes to do. Various equipment and bags to add.

The terrain is sand and gravel and a few weeds. Terrain colors are based on photos of the Libyan desert in various places. I've attached a couple color reference shots.

My photos are terrible but I promise some really good ones as soon as everything is finished and prior to painting.

All the best,


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The sheer amount of work and research necessary for that kind of work is simply staggering.I definitely love this.Brave man you are indeed mate.

What can I say, Oda? It keeps me out of the saloons and gambling halls of Omaha. ;)

Brave? Naw. Just can't come up with anything I enjoy doing more than this.

Still needs 20 or 30 little things done but it's getting there.

Anybody interested in painting this monster? It would give you a chance to exercise your air brush. :D

Groundwork is the extent of my painting ability.

All the best,
Many thanks Ulrich! Most appreciated.

I'm thinking that I'll have to split this up to get it painted. Maybe the Model T's to one painter* and each of the figures to separate painters?

All the best,

*I don't even own an air brush and wouldn't know what to do with it if I bought one.
A very well conceived and particularly well engineered diorama.
If I had a cap, I'd doff it you.

Excellent work Dan, and a great little scene. I am wondering if the map may be little too large? I have a Great War map sheet and it measures 58 inches by 39 inches.

Thanks for the info Chris! I used a map published with the Light Car Patrol book, scanning it into two pieces and reducing it to a workable size. See attached.

I don't want the map to look too large, but I want it to be large enough that a surveyor team could actually use it to mark in roads, terrain features, etc. If I used the map sheet dimensions of 58 x 39 inches and scaled to 1/16th, I think it would be too small for a field team to work with at about 3.6 x 2.4 inches. But I only need to show one-half of the entire map in the scene, the other half of the map can be folded under. So...

All the best,


  • Section A, Map from LCP book.jpg
    Section A, Map from LCP book.jpg
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  • Section B, Map from LCP book.jpg
    Section B, Map from LCP book.jpg
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A hugely ambitious project Dan, and one I know you will complete with passion and amazing attention to detail. I like the fact that you deliberately choose subjects that a bit off the beaten path. You find subjects that are neglected and shine a light on them. Well done mate, I'm following your progress with keen interest.
Hi Tony! Many thanks - most kind!

A lot of the reason why I chose this vignette has to do with the Light Car Patrol book and Claud Williams memoir. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it!

Light Car Patrols 1916-19: War and Exploration in Egypt and Libya with the Model T Ford, by Claud Williams (Author), Russell McGuirk (Editor), Publisher: Silphium Press, ISBN-13: 978-1900971157.

I enjoy the research as much as the model construction, so that part is in no way boring.

As far as "off the beaten path" subjects, I don't consciously go looking for them, that would imply method to my madness. To quote candidate Rubio's repeated phrase during the debates, "Let's dispel this notion..." :LOL:

All the best,
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