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  • Ahoj Ivo, domnievam sa zle , ak si myslím , že si pôvodom z ČR ? Ten Českokrumlovský kokrík ma k tomu vedie.
    Pozrel som si tvoju prácu. Pekné , brilantné a precízne. Držím palec
    Palo Ovečka Nitra - Slovensko
    Dear Ivo, finally contacting you regarding my judging at the upcoming show in St. Vincent. I will NOT be able to attend this year. There has been a change in moving dates for the house that I am renovating, which makes it impossible for me to attend this year. My sincerest apologies to you and the organizing staff ! Hopefully this arrives in time for you to find a replacement for me. Wishing you and all the CREW at LPS all the best and hope to see you next year !
    Happy Birthdayi Ivo,
    sono milanese ma vivo in Venezuela da molti anni.Inutile farti i complimenti per il tuo eccelente lavoro che seguo da sempre:ammiro la creazione della figura alla quale mi dedico anch io
    hi Benjamin,
    it's exciting to find a Krettly nephew...
    About the info i simply linked Rousselot, your ancestor career, and some pictures of the trumpet banner. If you are interested to have sonme more pics or info please write to my e-mail [email protected]
    Hoping to met you soon

    ciao Ivo
    Hi ivopreda,

    My name is Benjamin, i don't know if you have seen my last message. As i said, Elie Krettly was one of my ancesters, and i really appreciated your work, very beautyfull and very special for me.Thanks again.

    If you don't mind sharing your knowledge with me, i would like to know from were you have found the informations about him and wether it would be possible to see some, maybe on the net?

    I hope i will hear from you some day.


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