p... c'est pas vrai!!!
I still have on my mind his smile and the few words he told me the last day in Girona when I told him who I was...
My sincere condolences to his wife, children and familly. Your kindness will be missed Roy!
Trop bon !!!
Très impressionnant toutes tes réalisations Romain!
On peut la trouver où l'Afghane... si c'est possible?
Ta pâte de sculpture, ce serai pas du Sculpey? J'ai eu l'occasion et la chance de suivre un "atelier" de sculpture animé par R. Trembley le dimanche matin à Gérone et je dois...
Welcome on the Planet Gunner:)
Your dio looks good, a little dark (the picture?).What is suppose to be?
I guess it is a fantastic subject, no?
Here are the 3 last galeries:)
Hi Calvin,
It was done by Sylvain Deschamps! Very awesome work, as tells me a friend, all sratchbuilted with the dragon transformed:eek:
Sorry no more pictures about it from me, maybe on the other galeries...