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  1. Shane

    Cowpens Anniversary

    That's one battlefield I've always wanted to see, especially since there's a chance an ancestor of mine was there. Banny burned down a mill my family owned as well. Shane
  2. Shane


    Everybody, Pretty much done at this point. Shane
  3. Shane


    Roy, I thought about adding the hat as an option. But that would require a chin strap being added, which wouldn't work for the coif-only option. At this stage I'm looking for a production committment. I like the simplicity of the coif only. I've explained the piece on MedRom as being less...
  4. Shane


    Folks, Here's my latest. Still some work to be done. If it looks like there's no eyes, that's because there's no eyes. I kind of skipped around on the sculpting. Still some teaking to be done here and there. Shane
  5. Shane


    Roy, Very nice work. Flats must have their own particular challenges. You did a good job at conveying a sense of depth. And the folds look very convincing. Shane
  6. Shane

    54mm Norman Archer Sculpt

    Folks, There is some debate over the type of bow used at Hastings. Some authors do claim it was a long bow. Just perhaps a little less in size from those known during the HYW. So nothing is written in stone here. Renarts comments about stepping into the bow are good. This is one of those fine...
  7. Shane

    54mm Norman Archer Sculpt

    Anders, I don't want to say one way or the other. I've been on the wrong end of advice before that was based solely on an internet photo. But the hips before you added the tunic looked right to me as far as angle. I'd go back and measure off the head lengths and see if the hips, knees and feet...
  8. Shane

    54mm Norman Archer Sculpt

    Anders, FWIW, it looks to me that your hips were in the right place initially. But when you put the belt on it did not follow the lower angle of the left hip. It could be the leg above the knees is too long. But it's really hard to tell with any photos. HTH. For me it always seems best to just...
  9. Shane

    54mm Norman Archer Sculpt

    Anders, It's good to see you moving into the medievals. I'm looking forward to seeing how you treat my ancestor here. Shane
  10. Shane

    LaTorre Models

    Ashley Simpson? I need to get you on a strict Motorhead diet ;-)
  11. Shane

    LaTorre Models

    Dang, you beat me to it. This is definately from the King Arthur movie. Raul has such talent. It is a wonderful piece, skinny ankles and all. Still I have to wonder what might have been had he stuck to historical fact. Shane
  12. Shane

    La Tene Celt

    Hey, Here's the finished piece. Shane
  13. Shane

    54mm kingdom of heaven.

    Seo, Looks real good. Be careful that you don't make the shield too thick. Shane
  14. Shane

    La Tene Celt

    Hey Guys, Thanks for the comments. A frontal view will be coming soon. Marc, This photo is not a good indication of the actual colors. The linothorax colors are simple mixes. Faded madder: Flesh+Cad. Yellow Deep Hue+Unbleached Titanium Highlights: more Unbleached Titanium Shading: Add Mars...
  15. Shane

    La Tene Celt

    Hey Guy, Guess I should have mentioned that it is 1/9 or 200mm. shane
  16. Shane

    La Tene Celt

    Hey Everybody, Here is my LA Tene Celt, 400 BC. This is work in progress, so there is still some painting to be done. When done this will be the boxart. The bust is based on a few La Tene artifacts and represents the Celtic version of the Greek linothorax. The color selections are based on...
  17. Shane

    Poste Mil Mounted Ugrian warrior

    Even though the Huns were about 700 years earlier, it would be hard for someone to say this kit couldn't represent a Hun. Since they were all part of the same Steppes culture I don't think there would be much difference in costume or weaponry. I'm less sure about the cross and skulls. The Osprey...
  18. Shane

    Saxon Bust WIP Photos

    Outstanding job on the face. I think you might want to soften the beard a bit to match the realism you've achieved with the flesh. Really top notch painting. I too would like to know how you did it. Shane
  19. Shane

    Sculpting Chain Mail?

    How you go about it depends entirely on the scale. IMO, mail should be only a texture in 90mm and smaller. Almost every figure made today depicts the mail rings way out of scale. I guess modelers want to see indivudual rings even though it isn't possible in most scales. Some of the best scale...
  20. Shane

    The Lost Battalion

    This is a good case for the Poste Militaire method of packaging. Why more don't show the figure primed only is hard for me to understand. Primed is the best way to show off a kit's attributes. Paint can often be used to hide faults. And poor painting can be a HUGE detriment to sales.