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  1. J

    greek hoplite

    Great Painting, congratulation. I also prefer when you use your brushes on this kind of subjects... ;) Bye JP
  2. J

    Sculpting metal trash cans

    Didn't verlinden make something approaching a few years ago ? I'm not sure but you should check their website.I will go myself for you if I have a few minutes left. Hope this is note a dead-end. Bye JP
  3. J

    Chinese Warrior

    The face looks pretty good so far. :thumb: As previously said a few more shadows would be good I think. Why did you paint over a black basecoat ? Bye JP
  4. J

    Logan Progress

    Thanks for the sbs, this is very interesting to see how you work. This is really a great figure. Thank you very much for sharing. Bye Jean-Philippe
  5. J


    Congratulations for the sculpting, you are very talented and I admire the way youg create the muscles in the back of the figure and the legs. It looks great even if you "dress" the figure afterwards. I went to lilliput and with my poor spanish, I understood that you use milliput yellow grey. Am...
  6. J

    My Roman Centurion

    J'ai essayé de corriger la phot avec un logiciel pour te montrer ce que stephen et moi te suggérions au niveau des lanières pour leur donner plus de volume. C'est à dire une ombre polus présente sous la lanière et des éclaircie un peu plus marquées par endroits. Le visage est bien mieux ainsi...
  7. J

    My Roman Centurion

    Franchement je trouve ça très bien ! Il faut apporter quelques petites modifs mais pas grand chose. Selon moi : -tu pourrais souligner d'un trait plus sombre le dessous des lanières de cuir. -ajouter des touches de couleur chaudes au visage. Notamment sous les pomettes où un jus dilué de orange...
  8. J

    Problem photo

    Salut Bruno, Pour mettre une image sur le forum, quelle que soit sa taille, il faut que tu la mettes en ligne sur un autre site. Par exemple qui te permet de stocker des images ou sinon sur un site perso. L'image que tu joins à ton message dans le forum n'est qu'un lien vers...
  9. J

    Bonjour à tous

    Salut et bienvenu sur ce super Forum. Comme l'a dit Quang tu peux poser tes questions en Français : soit un français répondra soit on essayera de traduire pour le reste de la communauté... Sinon tu peux aussi venir poser tes questions sur le site de l' Etendard Occitan si tu ne le connais pas...
  10. J

    "making" snow how to do it

    I myself use micro-balls used for sanding the metal in the plane industry. It really look like snow as it makes littles reflections and it's perfectly white. Unfortunateluy I can't tell you where to buy some (I myself had a fried who was working for Airbus) but making a research is worth it. It...
  11. J

    Body language?

    You've made a great choice. Some parts of lanterri's book can be forgotten in the beginning as they deal with low relief, but the part explaining the sculpture from the mannequin is absolutely a must... :thumb: Bye JP
  12. J

    Body language?

    I do agree with bob this is a great book for subtil facial expressions...
  13. J

    Body language?

    Hello I would advice this book : Modelling and Sculpting the Human Figure by Edouard Lanteri Wich you can find on This is really a great book for sculpting. Bye Jean-Philippe
  14. J

    Fisherman Bust

    You did really something beautiful with the magic sculp on the coat (and on the buttons ;) ). A simple question that may sound silly. Wich paste is the hardener and wich one is the resin in magic sculp (grey= hardener and "brown"= resin ?), am I right ? Thanks for sharing... Jean-Philippe
  15. J

    My first bust

    I myself think that the eyes are a little bit too high on the overall mass of the skull. They should be around the middle line between the top of the skull and the bottom. The picture below is part of a SBS I wrote in the Etendard Occitan Website (in french sorry) : SBS head , perhaps it can...
  16. J

    Angus McBrice

    There was an article in Military Illustrated (Sorry I don't remenber the number of MI issue ! ). They showed that when working for ospey books, the author gives Angus a sketch from wich he bases his drawings. Most of his drawings are based on archeological discoveries but sometimes he mixes...
  17. J

    New Try At Flesh Tones

    Congratulations, I think this is it, great job on the skin... With the close up picture, I think that you should enlarge the right eye pupil a little bit. I think we can see too much white and that it will look more symetrical like this. Just my opinion ! Great work nevertheless Bye JP
  18. J


    Hello, I think you should make a try at Fimo. I know many people who use Fimo with great succes, specialy fantasy modelers. The only problem with Fimo is that it's difficult to sand afer baking. It's not hard enough. Here's a link to a friend website. He mostly uses Fimo. (the green part is...
  19. J

    New Try At Flesh Tones

    I myself would put deeper shadows on the "sides" and behind the helmet. It will make the face look "inside" the mail and not "next to" the mail.Hope you understand ? :( Nevertheless I like the skin tones. I also think that the color of the beard looks too much like the leather lining. I hope it...
  20. J

    Ulli Leitpold

    This a very interesting figure, very well done. Thanks very much for sharing. Bye Jean-Philippe